Mangrove Strategic Value for the Environment

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


REMBANG, – Mangrove plants have a strategic value in the effort to conserve nature and the environment in coastal areas. The most important thing is also about the usefulness of this kind of plant to reduce the threat of abrasion, rob and so on that may lurk on the shores of the sea.

“Understanding the need to preserve mangrove ecosystems is what we want to instill in the wider community. Residents in coastal areas must be able to care for and protect the mangrove ecosystem so that it is not damaged. Because the enormous benefits  for the preservation of the coastal and marine environment,” said Undip researcher Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobawati, yesterday.

He was also met on the sidelines of community service activities on the Undip campus in Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang District. The Undip research team, including Tri Retnaningsih, provided assistance and partnerships to the Sido Dadi Maju Farmer Group in the village. The work of the Undip lecturer team is also part of preparing a mangrove-based coastal ecotourism village in this place.


“As a first step, a focus group discussion was carried out with the Sido Dadi Maju Farmer Group management last August. Then Undip Postgraduate School (SPS) team provided material related to the strategic value of mangroves, the condition of mangrove forests, government policies related to mangrove ecosystems, and targets. Restoration of mangrove ecosystems in Central Java, “said the Deputy Dean of the Undip Postgraduate School.

Among the many efforts to save the mangrove ecosystem, the Rembang area has also received attention. It also includes the Pasar Banggi Village area which will move towards the ecotourism area.


REMBANG, – Tanaman bakau memiliki nilai strategis terhadap upaya melestarikan alam dan lingkungan kawasan pesisir. Hal paling utama juga mengenai kegunaan tumbuhan semacam ini mengurangi ancaman abrasi, rob dan sebagainya yang mungkin mengintai di tepi laut.

“Pemahaman tentang perlunya melestarikan ekosistem mangrove inilah yang ingin kami tanamkan pada masyarakat luas. Warga di kawasan pesisir harus dapat merawat dan menjaga ekosistem bakau supaya jangan sampai rusak. Sebab manfaatnya sangat besar untuk pelestarian lingkungan pesisir dan kelautan,” tutur peneliti Undip Prof Dr Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobawati, kemarin.

Dia ditemui juga disesela kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kampus Undip di Desa Pasar Banggi Kecamatan Rembang. Tim peneliti Undip termasuk didalamnya Tri Retnaningsih melakukan pendampingan dan kemitraan terhadap Kelompok Tani Sido Dadi Maju di desa itu. Kiprah tim dosen Undip ini juga bagian dari mempersiapkan desa ekowisata pesisir berbasis tanaman mangrove di tempat ini.


“Sebagai langkah awal juga telah dilakukan grup diskusi terarah dengan pengurus Kelompok Tani Sido Dadi Maju pada Agustus kemarin. Lalu kami dari tim Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS) Undip memberikan materi terkait nilai strategis mangrove, kondisi hutan mangrove, kebijakan pemerintah terkait ekosistem mangrove, dan target pemulihan ekosistem mangrove di Jawa Tengah,” tutur Wakil Dekan Sekolah Pascasarjana Undip ini.

Di antara sekian banyak upaya penyelamatan ekosistem pohon bakau ini, kawasan Rembang turut mendapatkan perhatian. Didalamnya juga untuk wilayah Desa Pasar Banggi yang akan beranjak menuju kawasan ekowisata.


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