The First Wave of Vietnam’s Covid-19 Vaccine Arrives from South Korea

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hanoi, Vietnam received the first batch of 117,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine made by Astrazeneca on Wednesday (24/2). As reported by Reuters, the arrival of the vaccine is ahead of the launch of the immunization program which will take place from next March.

The vaccine arrived in Ho Chi Minh City after a flight from South Korea. The vaccines will be used to inoculate more than 50,000 people deemed high risk.

The Deputy Health Minister, Truong Quoc Cuong, was at the airport to receive a shipment of vaccines flown in from Seoul.

SK Bioscience South Korea has an approved factory to produce the Astrazeneca vaccine.

“Vietnam is targeting to get 90 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine this year, including 30 million doses through the Covax international vaccine sharing scheme, 30 million doses of Astrazeneca and the rest from negotiations with Pfizer,” said its health ministry.

The government says the shipments arriving on Wednesday are part of the 30 million doses that Vietnam Vaccine Joint Stocks will carry, a company set up to handle the import and distribution of vaccines.

Vietnam hopes to receive a further 1.3 million doses by the end of March and 9.5 million doses in the second quarter. The country hopes to receive 25.9 million doses and 51.1 million doses respectively in the third and final quarter.

“We can ensure that we have enough vaccines for the Covid-19 vaccination program,” said the health ministry.



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