Farmer Market of Purwosari Manages Local Agricultural Products

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


SEMARANG, – Farmers Market of Purwosari, which was built to accommodate residents’ farms in Mijen District, Semarang, was officially opened.

The market in the land complex that is planned to be used by the Agricultural Technology Park or Agro Techno Park (ATP) sells a variety of agricultural products, such as crystal guava, longan, grapes, papaya, durian, and vegetables.

The development of this market is the result of cooperation between the Semarang City Government as the provider of the land with the UNNES and UPGRIS teams through community service activities. For a while, this market is open every Saturday and Sunday.

“Market development is expected to be a vehicle for farmer groups or joint business groups (KUB) to increase the added value of agricultural products through the creation of business units or incubation, as well as the use of research results from higher education personnel,” said the Head of the UNNES Community Service Team, Prof. Dr. Etty Soesilowati. MSi on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Farmers Market.

According to him, the market in the former bent land was built by the Unnes and UPGRIS teams through community service activities funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of National Agency for Research and Innovation in the Regional Partnership Program (PKW) scheme. This market development is the second year activity of the PKW plan for three years.

Previously in 2019 or the first year, the ATP function was optimized through strengthening farmer-level institutions, as well as the creation of new entrepreneurs through KUB. In the second year, apart from the farmer market, he also built business partnerships from upstream to downstream.

The third year plan is to create a business incubator, management assistance, as well as business legality, agro-tourism, education, and electronic trade networks.

This ATP is contained in the Semarang City Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2016-2021, with the aim of strengthening the people’s economy based on local excellence and building an innovative, creative, and conducive business climate.

The inauguration of the market was carried out by the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UNNES, Dr. Suwito Eko Pramono together with the Head of the Semarang City Agriculture Service Drs Hernowo Budi Luhur MSi.

Meanwhile, the members of the service team chaired by Etty are Dr. Nana Kariada TM MSi, Avi Budi Setiawan MSi, and Dr. Ir Efriyani SumastutI MP. According to Nana, Pasar Tani also sells diversified agricultural products, such as wajik, passion fruit and lemongrass drinks, and cocktails.

“The Farmers Market is planned to be opened every day. At the initial stage, it will accommodate the agricultural products of Purwosari farmers. In the future, it is hoped that it will also be able to accommodate other regional products,” he said.


SEMARANG, – Pasar Tani Purwosari yang dibangun buat menampung pertanian warga di Kecamatan Mijen, Semarang resmi dibuka.

Pasar di kompleks lahan yang rencana digunakan Taman Teknologi Pertanian atau Agro Techno Park (ATP) ini menjual berbagai produk pertanian, seperti jambu kristal, kelengkeng, anggur, pepaya, durian, dan sayur-sayuran.

Pembangunan pasar ini hasil kerja sama Pemkot Semarang selaku penyedia lahan bersama tim UNNES dan UPGRIS lewat kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Untuk sementara, pasar ini dibuka tiap Sabtu dan Minggu.

“Pembangunan pasar diharapkan jadi wahana kelompok tani atau kelompok usaha bersama (KUB) guna meningkatkan nilai tambah hasil pertanian lewat penciptaan unit-unit bisnis atau inkubasi, serta termanfaatkannya hasil riset insan perguruan tinggi,” kata Ketua Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat UNNES, Prof Dr Etty Soesilowati MSi di sela-sela peresmian Pasar Tani.

Menurut dia, pasar di tanah eks bengkok dibangun tim Unnes dan UPGRIS lewat kegiatan pengabdian yang didanai Kemenristek BRIN dalam skim Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW). Pembangunan pasar ini kegiatan tahun kedua dari rencana PKW selama tiga tahun.

Sebelumnya pada 2019 atau tahun pertama, dilakukan optimalisasi fungsi ATP melalui penguatan kelembagaan tingkat petani, serta penciptaan kewirausahaan baru melalui KUB. Tahun kedua, selain pasar tani juga membangun kemitraan bisnis dari hulu sampai hilir.

Rencana tahun ketiga, menciptakan inkubator bisnis, pendampingan manajemen, serta legalitas usaha, agrowisata, eduwisata, serta jaringan perdagangan elektronik.

ATP ini tertuang pada Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) Kota Semarang 2016-2021, tujuannya memperkuat ekonomi kerakyatan berbasis keunggulan lokal dan membangun iklim usaha inovatif, kreatif, dan kondusif.

Peresmian pasar dilakukan Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) UNNES, Dr Suwito Eko Pramono bersama Kepala Dinas Pertanian Kota Semarang Drs Hernowo Budi Luhur MSi.

Adapun, anggota tim pengabdian yang diketuai Etty ialah Dr Nana Kariada TM MSi, Avi Budi Setiawan MSi, dan Dr Ir Efriyani SumastutI MP. Menurut Nana, Pasar Tani juga menjual produk diversifikasi pertanian, seperti wajik, minuman markisa dan sere, serta koktail.

“Pasar Tani ada rencana akan dibuka tiap hari. Pada tahap awal mewadahi hasil pertanian petani Purwosari, kedepan diharapkan juga bisa menampung produk daerah lain,” ungkapnya.


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