5 Cities to Visit by Train

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Holidays to various cities are now even easier with a variety of choices of transportation modes. One of the fun transportation options to choose from is a train.

During a pandemic like this, taking the train is also nothing to worry about. The implementation of health protocols has been carried out properly, the passenger flow arrangements are also arranged so as not to cause crowds. So going on vacation or traveling by train feels safer and more comfortable.

There are many interesting cities with a myriad of exciting travel options that you can visit for a short weekend getaway. Its not too far distance from Jakarta allows you to take a short getaway to the following cities by train. Here’s a selection of interesting cities for that vacation destination!

1. Bandung
This city, which is about 3 hours away by train, has no doubt about its interesting tourist options. Bandung seems to have become a “second home” for many Jakarta travelers because it is most frequently visited for vacation spots. Its close proximity, the affordable Jakarta-Bandung train ticket prices make this city a favorite vacation spot for Jakartans.

The city of Bandung offers many tourist attractions. Even around Bandung Station, you can find various fun places. The Lembang area is no less interesting because it has many choices of tourist attractions, ranging from nature tourism, family tours to culinary tours there.

2. Cirebon
Similar to Bandung, the train travel time for the Jakarta – Cirebon route is around 3 hours which also makes this city cool to visit if you want to refresh. Here you don’t miss tasting Cirebon’s legendary culinary rows! Starting from empal gentong, jamblang rice to koclok noodles which taste unique and can be addictive.

Besides that, Cirebon also has many interesting tours, especially historical tours. For example, Sunyaragi Cave, Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman Palace and Kacirebonan Palace. There is also Kejawan Beach which has a view of Mount Ciremai which is dashing and a cool sunset.

3. Arrowroot
This city, which can be reached in 5 hours from Jakarta, can also be chosen as an exciting anti-mainstream vacation spot. Garut has many interesting tourist attractions that you can visit, especially its beautiful natural attractions.
For example, there is Leuwi Korsi, which has clear water and unique, Instagramable rock formations. There is also Leuwi Jurig which has beautiful views, the Cikarees hot water pool in the middle of rice fields and many others.

4. Purwokerto
Tourist cities in Central Java are not only Semarang or Solo. There is the city of Purwokerto which also has many interesting tourist options to visit. Can be reached within 5 hours by train, you can visit many stunning natural attractions.

For example, Bukit Agaran which has a wow view, Watu Meja, Curug Nangga which has seven levels, Curug Bayan which is suitable for vacationing with family and many others.

Don’t forget to also taste the typical Purwokerto menu that you have never tried, such as Kraca, fried gethuk, mino, buntil, nopia, Sroto Sokaraja and the unique Sahoun.

5. Tegal
Can be reached in about 4 hours by train from Jakarta, Tegal also has many choices of interesting tourist attractions for you to visit, you know! Starting from stunning natural attractions such as Goa Lawa Hill, Beko Margasari Lake, Guci Hot Spring, Pur’in Beach and many others.

Also take the time to taste Tegal’s specialties such as Blendung, Hasan Tofu, Lengko Rice, Rujak Teplak and also Tegal’s typical lontrong ice which is guaranteed to make you addicted.

Do you already have a picture of where to take the train to vacation? You can buy tickets online and check train ticket prices and complete Traveloka promos for an easy train vacation to your chosen destination. Have a nice vacation and make sure you stick to health protocols wherever you are!

Source: BeritaSatu.com


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