In the War Against Covid-19, the President Issues Four Instructions for Mayors

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Jakarta, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued four instructions to all mayors to take extraordinary steps in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia.

The instruction was conveyed by President Jokowi during a speech at the inauguration of the National Conference (Munas) VI of the Association of All Indonesian City Governments (Apeksi) in 2021, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (11/2/2021).

“I want to emphasize that the Covid-19 pandemic is not over, not over. We still have to work hard. We also have to be more detailed to find new ways to overcome problems and even take advantage of this crisis to achieve significant progress, “said President Jokowi.

President Jokowi said that mayors must take extraordinary, urgent steps at this time.

First, controlling the rate of spread of the virus must be a top priority. “I think I have said over and over again, 3M discipline; using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance must be echoed to the public, “he said.

The regional government, the TNI Commander, and the Police Chief assisted by the TNI and Polri apparatus in the regions have been ordered to take concrete steps in handling Covid-19.

“Don’t just tell the public to wear masks. Put on a mask! Put on a mask! But now I have to add more orders, it also has to be for masks because many people sometimes cannot afford to buy masks. In addition to ordering masks, they also appealed to masks, but also for masks, ”he said.

In addition, the mayors are also obliged to teach the community to continue to improve 3T; testing, tracing, treatment. “Test, trace, then isolate, this is important. I have been stressing this issue for two weeks. But the most important thing is the implementation in the field, the implementation in the field that is most important. So if you find someone who is infected with a virus, it is immediately isolated. Prepare centralized isolation, work together again with the Ministry of Health, BNPB, TNI and Polri, “he said.

He also opened up opportunities for the implementation of PPKM on a micro scale, in a small scope, be it at the village scale, village scale, RW or RT only. So don’t let the virus get only one person in one RT, that’s the whole city lockdown.

“Do not get infected with the virus, for example, one urban village is locked down the entire city. What for? This is what we often get wrong here. We really have to work in more detail, micro-scale lockdown, micro lockdown. So, it does not damage economic growth, does not damage the economic activities of the community because what we are locking down is at the village, RW, and RT scales, “he said.

Second, preparations are needed for accelerated vaccination management. The vaccination program has been started since January 13, 2021 for health workers. Next week, vaccinations will begin with public servants, who are in frequent contact with the public.

“The community may be able to do it for high interaction. High mobility must take precedence, for example the market, in highly interacting service sectors with high interaction. Not individually because we want to vaccinate the cluster, ”said President Jokowi.

Third, increase the number of labor-intensive programs because they are related to the economy. This is because the only drivers of the people’s economy today are government spending, APBN expenditure and APBD expenditure.

“Labor-intensive programs can strengthen people’s purchasing power, increase public consumption,” said President Jokowi.

Fourth, to continue providing social assistance, especially basic foodstuffs to lower-class communities and lower-income groups who cannot get additional income from the cash for work program.

“These four things are urgent matters that we must do now and work on it together between the central government and regional governments,” he said.

It is stated, the improvement of the regional economic ecosystem must be continued, simpler licensing, simple bureaucracy, legal certainty in the regions, then the preparation of quality human resources must also be a priority.

“This is so that we can create investment from within and from outside which opens up as many jobs as possible and moves our economy. I am sure that with our hard work together, we will quickly get out of this health and economic crisis and be able to achieve a lot of progress in various fields for the sake of an advanced Indonesia that we aspire to, “said President Jokowi.


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