Understanding Review Text; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language Features

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Understanding Review Text – Hallo everybody
Have you ever reviewed things, movies, songs or something else? If you have not, have you seen a movie review or book review? You can see examples of review text on newspapers that show movies or book reviews, as an illustration of what the Review Text is.

Review Text is supposedly the last English lesson of high school level. If you could not make an example of review text, it can be said that you have not passed National Exams, especially for English lessons. You don’t want to be said you could not pass the exam, right?

Therefore, in order not to “be considered” to be failed in the journey during school, let us learn again what and how review text is. Ready?

Definition of Review Text

Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.

Generic Structure of Review Text

# Orientation : Background information of the text.
# Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist ot more than one.
# Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character and plot.
# Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.

In other word :
Orientation : places the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its kind or through an analog with a non–art object or event.
Interpretive Recount : summarize the plot and/or providers an account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into being
Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production; is usually recursive

Actually, the generic structure of text review does not have to be exactly same as above, perhaps for the reason of “summarizing” the lesson, so the three or four generic structure above just become general description about the structure in review text, okay.

Still confused? I also still confused.. 🙂 Okay, let’s just discuss some examples of review text, which is hopefully can understand more about this kind of text.

But before we go to the example of review text, let’s discuss its purpose and language features.

Purpose of Review Text

Review text is used to evaluate / review / critic the events or art works for the reader or listener, such as movies, shows, book, and others.

Language Features of Review Text

– Present tense.
– Using long and complex clauses

I just mention those language feature of review text above because those are the main language feature of review text that can be used to identify review text easily.

Example of Review Text

Example of Review Text Film about The Amazing Spiderman 2

Review of The Amazing Spiderman 2

I will start by saying that I am a huge fan of Spider-man. I love all the trilogies worked by Raimi (yes, even the Spider-man 3) but I do not like the The Amazing Spiderman 1. I was skeptical when I wanted to watch this movie, but I was wrong and I think this second sequel is really great. Unlike its predecessor, this film is full of action, humor, and emotional. Played by the big players, the story is well-written. The action is really spectacular and the final scene makes me satisfied.

Evaluation 1 / Interpretation
The story begins when Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) struggled to maintain his relationship with Gwen (Emma Stone) after her father’s death. His actions also cause the emergence of a new enemy, Electro, a villain played by James Foxx. Peter also continue to investigate what happened to his father and reunited with his old friend, Harry Osborn. This movie is ended by the death of Gwen that makes the audience will be very emotional and sad.

Evaluation 2
However I have to criticize about this film addressed to Paul Giamatti who plays Rhino. His appearance is too over. His acting also does not show that he is a feared villain. It would be a serious problem for the next Spiderman series. So I hope he can improve his acting better than before.

Overall, I think this is the best superhero movie since the appearance of The Dark Knight Rises. The script is well-written and convincing. I am sure the next series will be outstanding superhero movie. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves Spider-man or other superhero movies.

Example of Review Text Assalamu’alaikum Beijing

Review Text of Assalamu’alaikum Beijing Novel

Movie title : Assalamu’alaikum Beijing
Genre : Romantic-Religious
Director : Guntur Soeharjanto
Playwritter : Asma Nadia
Cast : Revalina S. Temat, Morgan Oey, Ibnu Jamil, Laudya C. Bella, Desta, Ollyne Apple, Cynthia Ramlan, Jajang C. Noer

I really love all the novels written by Asma Nadia. So when the Assalamu’alaikum Beijing novel is filmed , I can hardly wait for the movie in theater. Because it is certainly very good quality movie.The film is directed by Guntur Soeharjanto. The film with the tagline “If you do not find love, let love find you”. In accordance with the novel title, the film is a lot to discuss religion and love. So it is labeled as romantic religious genre. The film tells the love story that is experienced by Asmara (Revalina S. Temat) who was broken heart knowing her fiance, Dewa (Ibn Jamil) had an affair with her friend Anita (Cynthia Ramlan) just a day before the wedding took place. At the same time, finally Asthma received a job in Beijing due to the help of Sekar (Laudya Cynthia Bella). On the way Asma met Zhongwen (Morgan Oey). Asma began to open her heart to Zhongwen. However, before continuing their relationship, Asma was diagnosed APS, a syndrome that made her life in danger and could die at any time.

Example of Review Text about Film – Film Merry Riana (Mimpi Sejuta Dollar)

Director : Hestu Saputra
Producer : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Cast : Chelsea Islan, Dion Wiyoko, Kimberly Ryder, Ferry Salim, Niniek L Karim, Sellen Fernandez, Mike Muliyandro, Chyntia Lamusu
Studio : MD Pictures
Released Date : December 24, 2014
Duration : 105 Minute
Country : Singapore, Indonesia


Merry Riana is a successful young woman entrepreneur, writer, and motivator. Her life’s story is told in a movie, Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, which is adapted from her book with the same title. This film visualizes her struggle to survive from difficulty of life and become successful woman.


The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes Merry Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter to Singapore because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore with the support money that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry Riana met with her best friend, Irene, who wanted to go to university there, too. With Irene’s help, Merry could live in a boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best college there. But, it could only be reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take a loan college student that could only be obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met her senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He gave many requirements before he finally agreed to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job. Merry realized that she should be successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from spreading online business brochure, until playing with high risky shares. The condition of her economy was moving up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling to Merry. Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.


The acting of Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana) in that movie is very good. She can impersonate Merry Riana’s character very well. But, it would be better if there was no kissing scene.


I think this is an inspirational movie which can motivate people to be successful at young age. It brings good spirit for young men in Indonesia. The script writer is successful to bring a set of interesting conflicts which make the plot of this movie become alive.

Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Film Merry Riana (Mimpi Sejuta Dollar)

Sutradara : Hestu Saputra
Produser : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Pemeran : Chelsea Islan, Dion Wiyoko, Kimberly Ryder, Ferry Salim, Niniek L Karim, Sellen Fernandez, Mike Muliyandro, Chyntia Lamusu
Studio : MD Pictures
Tanggal rilis : December 24, 2014
Durasi : 105 Menit
Negara : Singapore, Indonesia
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Merry Riana adalah pengusaha wanita muda, penulis, dan motivator yang sukses. Kisah hidupnya diceritakan dalam film “Merry Riana (Mimpi Sejuta Dolar), yang diadaptasi dari bukunya dengan judul yang sama. Film ini memvisualisasikan bagaimana ia berjuang untuk bertahan dari kesulitan hidup dan menjadi sukses.


Kerusuhan yang terjadi di Jakarta dan kota besar lainnya di Indonesia pada Mei 1998 membuat Merry Riana terpaksa mengungsi ke Singapura. Ayah Merry Riana memutuskan untuk mengirimkan anaknya ke Singapura karena takut dengan kondisi yang sedang tidak aman. Merry Riana pergi sendirian dengan bekal uang yang hanya cukup untuk beli makanan selama lima hari. Beruntungnya, ia bertemu dengan sahabatnya, Irene, yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah di universitas yang ada di sana juga. Dengan bantuan Irene, Merry bisa tinggal di asrama dan diterima di salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di sana. Tetapi, itu semua baru bisa dapat bila Merry membayar $40,000. Satu-satunya harapan adalah mengambil pinjaman mahasiswa, yang hanya bisa didapat jika Merry memiliki seorang penjamin. Kemudian, Merry bertemu dengan seniornya, Alva. Ia adalah orang yang sangat perhitungan. Ia memberi segala macam syarat sebelum akhirnya setuju untuk menolong Merry. Ia juga menyuruh Meery mencari kerja sambilan. Merry sadar bahwa ia harus sukses secepatnya. Segala macam pekerjaan ia kerjakan, mulai dari menyebar brosur bisnis online, sampai bermain saham beresiko tinggi. Kondisi ekonominya pun naik turun. Kemelut cinta pun terjadi ketika Alva menyatakan perasaan padanya, sementara Merry tahu betul bahwa Irene tengah jatuh cinta pada Alva.


Akting Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana) dalam film ini sangat bagus. Ia mampu memainkan peran sebagai Merry Riana dengan sangat baik. Tetapi, film ini akan menjadi lebih bagus jika tidak ada adegan ciuman.


Saya pikir ini adalah film yang inspiratif yang bisa memotivasi orang-orang untuk sukses di usia muda. Hal ini membawa semangat yang baik bagi pemuda-pemuda di Indonesia. Penulis skrip dalam film ini juga berhasil membawa seraingkaian konflik yang membuat jalan cerita menjadi lebih hidup.

Example of Review Text – “Love You Like a Love Song” Selena Gomez

“Love You Like a Love Song” is single from one of Disney’s shining stars, Selena Gomez. The young men or women who love this young singer/actress will like this song. Gomez isn’t known for having a super-strong voice or the most original arrangements, but she deserves props for this song, which mercifully tones down the standard synth-pop noise and kicks the vocal performance up a notch. The end result sounds a bit more creative and mature than the rest of the bubblegum-pop pack. Selena’s music is always great, and her voice sounds great especially in the bridge.

In the past century people seem to believe that a love song for pop has to be acoustic with guitars, and love songs for Rap/Hip-Hop have to sound the same. This doesn’t seem to bother Rihanna, Lady GaGa, and now Selena Gomez. To be honest in the past century “Love You Like A Love Song” has been the most original love song in years. Monotune was perfectly done here, and the Autotune was good layered, Autotune is not just robotic Beyonce and Rihanna use it to. Must original love song and just song in years. Its about loving someone like a love song its gonna use love song cliches.


“Love You Like a Love Song” Selena Gomez

“Love You Like a Love Song” adalah single dari salah satu bintang bersinar Disney, Selena Gomez. Anak-anak muda yang mencintai penyanyi / aktris muda ini akan menyukai lagu ini. Gomez tidak dikenal memiliki suara yang sangat kuat atau pengaturan yang paling orisinil, namun ia pantas menjadi pemeran untuk lagu ini, yang dengan nada penuh kasih menon-aktifkan suara synth-pop standar dan menendang kinerja vokal sampai takik. Hasil akhirnya terdengar sedikit lebih kreatif dan matang dibandingkan dengan paket bubblegum-pop lainnya. Musik Selena selalu bagus, dan suaranya terdengar hebat terutama di jembatan.

Pada saat ini orang tampaknya percaya bahwa lagu cinta untuk pop harus akustik dengan gitar, dan lagu cinta untuk Rap / Hip-Hop harus terdengar sama. Sepertinya ini tidak diperdulikan Rihanna, Lady GaGa, dan sekarang Selena Gomez. Sejujurnya masa ini “Love You Like A Love Song” telah menjadi lagu cinta paling orisinil selama bertahun-tahun. Monotune sempurna dilakukan di sini, dan Autotune nya bagus dan berlapis, Autotune bukan hanya seperti robot ala Beyonce dan Rihanna yang menggunakannya. Harus lagu cinta orisinal dan nyanyikan lagu hanya dalam beberapa tahun. Its tentang mencintai seseorang seperti lagu cinta yang akan menggunakan lagu cinta klise.

Related Articles : Report Text ; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language Features

That is the our explanation about Review Text. Hopefully by reading our explanation above you can get more understanding about this material. Okay, I think that’s all, thanks for your visit. If you have any questions or comments regarding this material please leave a comment .

Reference :
Rudi Hartono, Genre of Texts, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University, 2005).
Mark Andersons and Kathy Andersons, Text Type in English 1-2, Australia: MacMillanEducation, 2003.

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