Throughout 2020, LSF Censored Nearly 40,000 Movie Titles

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Jakarta, Britishcourse – The Film Censorship Institute (LSF) stated that throughout 2020 it has censored nearly 40,000 film titles, including imported films shown in theaters, as well as soap operas or FTV broadcast on television. From this amount, it should be appreciated, that the presentation of material that did not pass the censorship was only 0.04% or decreased from 2019, from 39 titles to 16 titles.

“In the period January – December 2020, LSF recorded that the total number of material censored reached 39,863 titles. That number actually increased by about 5% from the previous year’s achievement, namely 37,908 titles, “said the chairman of LSF, Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, in a press conference on the 2020 LSF Performance Report, which was held hybrid (online and offline), Thursday (11/2/2021 ).

Rommy explained that censorship operations at LSF had decreased during the pandemic. Of the five studios and five censorship groups (2 LSF members and 3 sensors) had to be reduced to only three studios and three censorship groups (1 LSF member and 2 sensor staff).

Based on records and data, the censorship material to LSF throughout 2020 was dominated by films and film advertisements for television broadcast, totaling 37,954 titles. Rommy explained that most of the rerun programs have an expired Censorship Certificate (STLS), so censorship must be re-applied to get a new STLS.

“With the prohibition of filming activities during the PSBB, the film industry, film commercials and television, it seems that it is not yet possible to continue and broadcast new programs,” said Rommy.

Rommy added that censorship material that shows a new trend is for broadcasting on informatics networks such as Disney, Netflix, Maxstream, and others. The number of film titles censored on the informatics network throughout 2020 was 599 titles.

“The trend of people watching films on informatics networks during the pandemic has prompted film owners to censor their film material and film advertisements to be shown, which is 1.5%,” he said.

Particularly for feature films, Rommy said that the pandemic has rendered cinemas unable to operate for eight months, thus reducing censorship rates.

The average censorship of feature films (a combination of national films and imported films) under normal conditions is around 400 titles per year, but during the Covid-19 pandemic, that number dropped to 196 films mostly for new performance models such as drive in theater open space) using mall parking lots or prospective settlements.

Rommy added that the LSF censorship process was also carried out for the Palwa film (DVD) format of around 328 titles, while 150 titles for films for festivals had been censored.

Regarding films that were declared not passing censorship, LSF decided based on eight points of study, including violence, dignity, blasphemy or blasphemy, lawlessness, and whether they contained sensitivity in society.

In addition, the film must also be in accordance with the target age set in the film. Especially for imported films, the censorship process is also carried out on the translated text.


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