The Importance of English for College Students

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


The mastery of English is very important for a college student, but unfortunately there are still many college students who have not realized the need for mastery of English. It does not mean that the score of my English is very high, but I also just started again to learn to improve the ability of my English. It’s not also because English is higher and bonafid than any other language. The problem can not be denied that English is the language most widely used around the world. Furthermore, what is the importance of mastery of English for a student, the following is probably in part:

For a college student, English is one of the prerequisites for obtaining a college degree. Of course we all have experienced the TOEFL test, for now, if I’m not wrong one of the students should get 400 for their TOEFL test. If under 400, they have to repeat to get score 400 above. I’m sure, it’s very sad if a student must adjourn the thesis because his TOEFL score is not enough.
Currently English proficiency is also frequently used as one of the requirements for applying for a job. It may even be said that almost all professional jobs require a good competence of English. Moreover, an international company that the salary is very high also need English competence. Even if not required to speak English, the scholars who can understand English would get good position in their job.

A scholar who absolutely must master English language is a scholar who plans to continue his study up to the S-2 or S-3 or want to study abroad. If the prerequisite to pass S-1 should have 400 in TOEFL test, to take the S-2 we must have a TOEFL 480-500. Study in post graduate is usually taken by the lecturer or lecturer candidates, as a professor or lecturer. Of course we must master English language, and lecturer should not be lost in English with their students.

The Mastery of English language is also one of the absolute requirement to obtain a postgraduate scholarship (S-2 and S-3). Currently, many department offers graduate scholarships for scholars in Indonesia, both to study in the country and abroad. All these scholarships (almost everything) requires mastery of English. I’m sure you want to get a free lecture abroad, isn’t it? So you can go to college, roads, as well as add to the experience and friends.

That’s a little benefit from learning a foreign language, in this case English. We can choose what language you want to be in our hands, not always English. In addition to increase the repertoire of knowledge and the opportunity to achieve better employment or higher education, foreign language skills can also improve our intelligence (according to many studies).

Hopefully this article useful for you, if there are criticisms and suggestions, please share in the comments field below.

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