Temanggung Regency Government Discusses about Garbage while having Coffee on the Side of the River

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TEMANGGUNG, – The Temanggung Regency Government through the Environment Agency (DLH) held a coffee drinking event on the edge of the Knee River, Lempuyang Village, Candiroto District, Friday (18/9). The event was attended by the Regent HM Al Khadziq, Assistant Ekbang Masrik Amin Zuhdi and related officials and was attended by all waste observers.

The Head of DLH Entargo said that the coffee event on the side of the river was linked to a discussion on solid waste ahead of the World Clean Up Day on Saturday-Sunday, 19 and 20 September 2020. The discussion aims to equalize perceptions about solid waste management in order to create environmental conditions. which is clean, healthy, beautiful and beautiful.

The commemoration of clean earth day is planned to be marked by two activities, namely on Saturday, 19 September 2020 with activities of collecting and sorting waste from the SD, SMP, SMA, MA, SMK, Islamic boarding schools in the neighborhood and their respective homes and along the river / river movement simultaneously at the 20 Districts.

“We will proclaim the clean-up movement along the river on Sunday, September 20, 2020 at the Pacar Dusun Delok, Pagersari Village, Tlogomulyo District. By actively tracing the river, the river is clean from garbage and inspires residents to be aware not to litter,” he said.

The Regent of HM Alkhadziq hopes that the whole community does not throw garbage in any place like at times, because it will pollute the environment. Garbage must be managed properly and properly towards a garbage-free Temanggung Regency.

“We do not want the environment to be full of rubbish, so the movement to clean up waste must be encouraged so that the cleanliness and beauty of our environment is well preserved,” asked Regent Hadik.

Regarding coffee, the Regent emphasized that the people of Temanggung, especially every Friday, are obliged to drink their own original coffee, not factory-made instant coffee. This aims to increase the marketing of the original Temanggung coffee, increase the welfare of the coffee business, especially coffee entrepreneurs.


TEMANGGUNG, – Pemerintah Kabupaten Temanggung melalui Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) menyelenggarakan acara minum kopi di pinggir kali Lutut Desa Lempuyang Kecamatan Candiroto Jumat (18/9). Acara dihadiri Bupati HM Al Khadziq, Asisten Ekbang Masrik Amin Zuhdi dan pejabat terkait serta diikuti segenap masyarakat pemerhati sampah.

Kepala Dinas DLH Entargo mengatakan acara ngopi dipinggir kali dikaitkan dengan diskusi persampahan menjelang dilaksanakan peringatan hari bersih bumi se dunia (World Clean Up Day) Sabtu- Minggu besuk tgl 19 dan 20 September 2020. Diskusi bertujuan untuk menyamakan persepsi tentang pengelolaan persampahan guna mewujudkan kondisi lingkungan yang bersih, sehat, indah dan asri.

Peringatan hari bersih bumi direncanakan ditandai dua kegiatan yaitu pada hari Sabtu, 19 September 2020 dengan kegiatan pungut dan pilah sampah dari tingkat SD, SLTP, SLTA, MA, SMK, Pondok Pesantren dilingkungan dan rumah masing masing dan gerakan susur sungai/kali secara serentak di 20 Kecamatan.

“Gerakan bersih sampah susur kali akan kita canangkan Minggu besuk 20 September 2020 di kali Pacar Dusun Delok Desa Pagersari Kecamatan Tlogomulyo. Dengan giat susur kali, maka sungai bersih dari sampah dan menginspirasi warga sadar tidak buang sampah sembarangan,” ujarnya.

Bupati HM Alkhadziq mengharapkan kepada seluruh masyarakat agar tidak membuang sampah disembarang tempat seperti di kali, karena akan mencemari lingkungan. Sampah mesti dikelola dengan baik dan benar menuju Kabupaten Temanggung bebas sampah.

“Kami tidak ingin kondisi lingkungan penuh dengan sampah, makanya gerakan bersih-bersih sampah harus terus digelorakan sehingga kebersihan dan keindahan lingkungan kita terjaga dengan baik ” pinta Bupati Hadik.

Berkait dengan ngopi, Bupati menekankan masyarakat Temanggung utamanya setiap Jum’at wajib minum kopi asli daerah sendiri jangan malah kopi sasetan buatan pabrik. Hal itu bertujuan supaya pemasaran kopi asli Temanggung terdongkrak, kesejahteraan kusususnya pelaku usaha kopi meningkat


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