Soekarno’s Footsteps in the Construction of Mosques

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – The proclaimer and First President Soekarno apparently has a lot of track records on the construction of mosques. The mosque that was built is characterized by Indonesian character. This was revealed by a senior architect, Yuke Ardhiati.

According to Yuke, when he was studying for higher education in Bandung, Soekarno had an architect firm with his best friend, Anwari. As a result, a mosque was built on Jalan Suniaraja, Bandung, with the lotus flower architecture as part of the lattice.

“Unfortunately, the historic mosque has now been torn down,” said Yuke in the 24th Episode of Bung Karno’s Talkshow & Music Series with the theme “Architectural Patterns of Bung Karno’s Mosque”. This talkshow was hosted by a member of the DPR from the PDI-P faction, Gilang Dhielafararez.

While exiled in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Bung Karno contributed a design for carvings on the pillars of a renovated ancient mosque. In another dump, Bung Karno intervened in the revitalization of the Jami Mosque, Bengkulu. Soekarno’s compositions that are visible are the carvings placed as pillar heads. This is similar to the work at the mosque in Bandung.

After serving as president, Bung Karno continued to contribute his architectural ideas to the construction of mosques. For example, the Kotabaru Syuhada Mosque, Yogyakarta, which was built on a land grant from Sultan Hamengkubuwono.

Until one day, Bung Karno had a breakthrough to design a mosque without a dome. At that time, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) felt the need to build a large mosque for the purposes of student worship.

Asking Bung Karno’s blessing, the design of the mosque without a dome was worked on by Achmad Noe’man. The Salman Mosque is simple in shape with strong wooden elements built. The architecture is modern, but thick with tropical elements and very close to students.

“As a result, apart from praying, students are comfortable discussing there. The results of the discussion have become a big contribution to the development of this nation,” said Yuke.

The author of the book “Soekarno and Architecture”, and “Architect of the Soekarno Era” said that Bung Karno also gave color to the construction of the Great Mosque of Al Azhar, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, with a Middle Eastern pattern.

The peak of the Bung Karno era mosque was the establishment of the Istiqlal Mosque. At that time, the public continued to urge Indonesia to have a mosque funded by the state. However, Bung Karno continued to delay the request, even though many wanted to make material donations.

Bung Karno wanted a mosque that was able to transcend the claws of the times. How the mosque can pass through time that continues to feel meaningful and through various changing times. Until the 1950s, concrete construction was found that could make buildings sturdy and strong in any design.

“The design of Bung Karno’s mosque never slanted into a pattern of regional architects or any group, it tends to be adapted to the climate in Indonesia, so that it can provide a comfortable atmosphere in worship and activities. Bung Karno’s imagination was very broad to the scope of the architecture of the construction of a mosque for worship, which is in accordance with the Indonesian character,” said Yuke.

Bung Karno’s last dream mosque was realized in Istiqlal, namely with many lattices as vents, so it no longer needed air conditioning. The Istiqlal dome in modern architecture is also different, namely a full semicircle, not an onion dome like most mosque buildings.



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