Sleeping Beauty – Contoh Fairytales Narrative Text

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo sobat.

Kali ini saya akan share fairy tales (cerita peri) yang sangat romantis sekali. Cerita ini tidak kalah lho dengan cerita Cinderella dan Snow White. Judulnya yaitu Sleeping Beauty. Pernah denger. Pasti pernah, ya kan. Tapi bagi yang belom pernah dengar atau belom pernah baca ceritanya. Tenang saja. Karena akan saya share disini.

Pasti sobat sudah gak sabar ya pengen baca ceritanya. Oke sabar dulu sobat. Silahkan buat segelas kopi dulu atau teh, karena cerita Sleeping Beauty ini lumayan panjang. Biar bisa asyik bacanya sambil ngopi atau minum teh. Oke.

Oke langsung saja. Berikut ini ceritanya.

Sleeping Beauty

In a faraway kingdom, there was an empire led by a king and queen. The king led his region with a very wise and prudent. Despite being a king, their life was less happy because they did not have a child. It made the king and queen became sad.

Then one day the queen gave birth to a beautiful little daughter named Princess Aurora. The birth of the little princess made the king and the entire kingdom happy. The king was making a big celebration to welcome his daughter. He invited all the people in the kingdom, including all the fairies that live in the kingdom. The king invited them to ask for their blessing. But the king forgot to invite all the fairies in the kingdom. The facts that there were 13 fairies in kingdom but the king only invited 12 fairies.

When the celebration party was running on, all of the fairies invited by king surrounded the little princess to give a blessing. One by one fairy was utter blessings. One fairy gave blessing of goodness, another fairy gave blessing of health, and the next fairy gave blessing of beautiful voice and so on. When the 12th fairy was about to give her blessing, the 13th fairy who were not invited by the king come. She was very angry and could not accept this humiliation.

The 13th fairy was not giving a blessing to the little princess, she even cursed her. The 13th fairy said, “When the baby is 16 years old, she will be pricked by a needle and fall asleep for a long time”. After saying that curse the 13th fairy left the palace using her broomstick. Everyone in the palace was shocked and saddened as well as the king and queen. The queen begged to the fairies, “Please withdraw this curse”. “What have been spoken irrevocable my queen” said the fairy. The others fairy tried to calm king and queen, “You do not worry. The princess will not die, she just fall asleep for a long time “” And this curse will be lost if there is prince who awakened her “another fairy added. Hearing the explanation, the king and queen relieved. However, they were still afraid of the incident occurred. The king ordered to get rid of all the needles in the palace.

Days passed, Princes aurora grown into a beautiful princess. She was very good and had very beautiful voice. Everyone in the palace loved her. At the age of 16, the princess entered a small room in her palace. She saw a woman who was sewing. The princess was surprised and asked, “What are you doing?”, “I’m sewing, come here I will teach you to sew” the woman replied. Princess Aurora did not know that the old woman is evil fairy in disguise. She took needle in the hands of women. Then suddenly she was pricked and fell asleep. When Princess Aurora asleep, all people in the kingdom were fell asleep too. Then the fairy put her on a mattress.

Years passed, Princess Aurora had been asleep for hundreds of years. Until the day came, a prince from a distant land approached the kingdom. He saw a beautiful princess asleep there. Then the prince kissed princess aurora. Then the cursed was destroyed. The princess woke up from her sleep, as well as those that exist in the palace. Eventually they become lovers and lived happily ever after.


Sleeping Beauty

Di sebuah kerajaan yang sangat jauh, terdapat sebuah kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja dan ratu. raja memimpin wilayahnya dengan sangat arif dan bijaksana. Meskipun menjadi seorang raja, hidup mereka kurang bahagia karena mereka belum mempunyai seorang anak. Hal ini membuat raja dan ratu menjadi sedih.

Kemudian pada suatu hari sang ratu melahirkan seorang putri kecil yang cantik yang bernama putri Aurora. Kelahiran putri kecil itu membuat sang raja dan seluruh kerajaan bahagia. Sang raja pun membuat sebuah perayaan besar untuk menyambut anaknya itu. Dia mengundang seluruh orang di kerajaannya termasuk semua peri yang tinggal di kerajaan itu. Sang raja mengundang peri-peri itu untuk meminta berkah buat putrinya. Namun sang raja lupa untuk mengundang semua peri yang ada di kerajaan. sebenarnya di kerajaan tersebut ada 13 peri tetapi sang raja hanya mengundang 12 peri.

Di saat pesta perayaan tersebut sedang berlangsung, semua peri yang diundang raja mengelilingi putri kecil itu untuk memberikan berkah. Satu persatu peri itu mengucapkan berkahnya. Salah seorang peri memberikan berkah kebaikan, peri yang lain memberikan berkah kesehatan, peri selanjutnya memberikan berkah suara yang indah dan seterusnya. Pada saat giliran peri ke 12 memberikan berkahnya. Peri ke 13 yang tidak di undang sang raja datang. Dia sangat marah dan tidak terima akan penghinaan ini.

Peri ke 13 itu bukan memberikan berkah kepada sang putri kecil, dia malah mengutuknya. Peri ke 13 itu mengatakan, “ketika bayi ini berumur 16 tahun, dia akan tertusuk sebuah jarum dan tertidur untuk waktu yang lama”. Setelah mengucapkan kutukan itu peri ke 13 pergi meninggalkan istana denga sapu terbangnya. Semua orang di dalam istana itu merasa terkejut dan sedih begitu juga dengan sang raja dan ratu. Sang ratu memohon kepada peri peri, “wahai para peri tolong hapuslah kutukan ini”. “Apa yang telah di ucapkan tidak bisa ditarik kembali ratuku” jawab peri itu. Peri yang lain mencoba menenangkan raja dan ratu, “Kalian jangan Khawatir. Sang putri tidak akan meninggal, dia hanya tertidur untuk waktu yang lama” “Dan kutukan ini akan hilang jika ada sang pangeran yang membangunkannya” Peri lain menambahkan. Mendengar penjelasan itu sang raja dan ratu menjadi lega. Namun, mereka tetap takut peristiwa tersebut terjadi. Sang raja memerintahkan untuk menyingkirkan semua jarum yang ada di istana.

Hari terus berganti, putri aurora tumbuh menjadi putri yang cantik. Dia sangat baik dan memiliki suara yang sangat indah. Semua orang di istana pun mencintainya. Pada usianya yang ke 16, sang putri memasuki sebuah ruangan kecil yang ada di istananya. Dia melihat seorang wanita yang sedang menjahit. Sang putri pun heran dan bertanya, “apa yang sedang kau lakukan?”, “Aku sedang menjahit, kemarilah aku akan mengajarkan kau menjahit” jawab wanita itu. Putri Aurora tidak mengetahui bahwa wanita tua itu adalah peri jahat yang sedang menyamar. Dia megambil jarum yang ada pada tangan wanita. Kemudian tiba-tiba tangan putri aurora tertusuk jarum dan tertidur. Ketika putri Aurora tertidur, semua orang yang ada di kerajaan ikut tertidur. kemudian peri tersebut meletakan sang putri diatas sebuah kasur.

Tahun demi tahun berlalu, Putri Aurora telah tertidur selama ratusan tahun. Hingga pada suatu hari datanglah seorang pangeran dari negeri jauh yang menghampiri kerajaan itu. Dia melihat seorang putri cantik tertidur di sana. Kemudian sang pangeran mencium putri aurora. Hancurlah kutukan tersebut. Sang putri tersadar dari tidurnya, begitu juga dengan orang-orang yang ada di istana. Akhirnya mereka menjadi sepasang kekasih dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

Versi Lain

Sleeping Beauty

Long time ago, in a faraway land. King Stevan and his queen wished for a child. Finally a daughter was born and they named her Aurora. To honor the baby princess the king held a great feast. He also invited his good friend king Hubert to the feast. King Hubert had brought his young son Philip. The king agreed that someday Philip and Aurora would be married.

Among the guest were three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Marryweather. They wished to bless the princess with a give. Waving her wand, Flora said, “ My gift shall be the gift of beauty.” “ And mine.” Said Fauna, “ Shall be the gift of song.”, Marryweather turn was next. But before the Marryweather could speak, the castle door flew opened. It was the evil witch named Maleficent. She was furious because she wasn’t invited to the feast. “ My gift for the child is, before the sunsets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” Then she disappeared.

But Marryweather still had gift to give, so she said, “ She will not die but she will fall into a deep sleep and when her true love kiss her, the spell shall break and the princess opened her eyes!”. King Stevan feared the witch curse, so the good fairies hatched a plan. They would take Aurora to live with them, deep in the woods, saved from Maleficent. The king and queen agreed with heavy heart.

To guard their secret, the fairies changed her name to Briar Rose. The years passed quietly, and Briar Rose grew into a beautiful young woman. At last the princess reached her sixteenth birthday, in a mossy glen she danced and sang with her friends, the birds and animals. She told them of her beautiful dream about meeting a tall handsome boy and falling in love.

A handsome boy came. When he heard Briar Rose singing he jumped from his horse and reached out to take her hand. Briar Rose was startled. “ I do not mean to frighten you, but I feel like we have met before.” Said the youngman. Briar Rose felt very happy. But she didn’t know that he was prince Phillip and Prince Phillip didn’t know that she was Princess Aurora.

Back at the cottage, Briar Rose told the fairies that she had falling in love. “ Impossible! “ cried the fairies. Then, they told her that she was a royal princess. It was time to return home. Actually the witch Maleficent knew that Aurora was return home. She became an old lady and a spinning wheel suddenly appeared in the tiny room of the castle. Using her evil powers she lured Aurora to high tower in the tiny room. “What is this? May I try?” Aurora asked. The old lady said, “Of course, my pretty little child!” And the princess sat down to spin. But the moment she touched the spindle, she fell to the floor in a deep slumber.

The hundred years were just ended. The witch captured Phillip and chain him deep on her dungeon. But the good fairies had other plans for him. They melted the prince’s chain. And they armed him with the shield of virtue and the sword of truth. Then they sent him to the palace to awaken the princess.

When the witch saw Philip escaping she was changed into a Monstrous Dragon to stop him. Prince Phillip threw his sword to sword the witch. Then Maleficent was no more. Then Prince Phillip raced to the tower where his love lay sleeping. Gently he kissed her and Aurora eyes slowly opened. The kings and queens planed for the prince and princess wedding. And they lived happily.


Choose the right statement !

1. Who is Briar Rose ? She is …
a. One of good fairies
b. The evil witch
c. The princess
d. Aurora’s mother
e. Aurora’s friend

2. According to the text which statement is true?
a. There are four good fairies
b. The witch is Briar Rose
c. Aurora fell to the bed in a deep slumber.
d. Maleficent melt prince’s chain
e. Aurora live in the woods

3. Briar Rose was startled. (in pharagraph five)
Starled from what ?
a. The witch
b. Marryweather
c. Her friends
d. Prince Phillip
e. The horse

4. She was furious because she wasn’t invited to the feast.
What is the same meaning of the underlined word ?
a. Very angry
b. Angry
c. Sad
d. Disappointed
e. Very hate

5. It was time to return home.
What is the underlined word refer to ?
a. The woods
b. The palace
c. The cottage
d. The river bank
e. The witch place

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

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