Rupiah Closed Up Slightly to IDR 14,082 Per US Dollar

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – The rupiah exchange rate against the United States dollar (US) this afternoon, Thursday (25/2/2021), closed higher than yesterday’s position. The movement of the rupiah in the middle of the Yellow Continent currency which is in the green zone.

Referring to Bloomberg data, the rupiah this afternoon at 15.00 WIB on the spot exchange market was closed at Rp 14,082 per US dollar or an increase of 2.5 points (0.02%) from the previous close. The rupiah today is traded in the range of Rp. 14,082 – Rp. 14,108 per US dollar.

Based on the middle exchange rate of Bank Indonesia (BI), today was at Rp 14,104 per US dollar, up from Rp 14,089 per US dollar with a trading range of Rp 14,174-Rp 14,033 per US dollar.

Asian Currency
The Japanese yen against the US dollar weakened 0.2 points (0.19%) to 106.0 yen per US dollar, the Hong Kong dollar strengthened 0.001 points (0.01%) to 7.7 per US dollar, the South Korean won strengthened 4.4 points (0.4%) totaled 1,107 won per US dollar. While the Indian rupe weakened 0.11 points (0.16%) to reach 72.4 per Indian rupe, the Chinese renmimbi strengthened 0.005 (0.09%) to reach 6.4 per US dollar.

While the Singapore dollar against the US dollar strengthened 0.002 points (0.18%) to 1.31 per US dollar, the Philippine peso weakened 0.01 points (0.04%) to reach 48.6 per US dollar, the Malaysian ringgit strengthened 0.004 points ( 0.11%) reached 4.03 per US dollar, the Thai baht weakened 0.05 (0.19%) to reach 30.0.



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