Redused Clause (Penjelasan dan Contoh)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Redused Clause adalah klausa-klausa yang disederhanakan fungsinya untuk menghindari pengulangan kata yang tidak perlu atau untuk menyederhanakan kalimat.

Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh klausa yang disederhanakan.

A. Klausa-klausa yang berbeda verb, object atau adverb

1.Mr Indro repairs a car. Mr Indro washes a car (Mr. Indro repairs and washes a car)
2. Ahmad likes apple. Ahmad likes orange (Ahmad likes apple and orange)
3. Rudi spoke English slowly. Rudy spoke English clearly (Rudy spoke English slowly and clearly)

B. Klausa-klausa yang berbeda subyek

1. I like a banana. You like a banana
(I and you like a banana)
(I like a banana and you do too)
(You like a banana, and so do I)

2. Simon can play tennis well. Johan can play tennis well
(Simon can play tennis as well as Johan)

3. Ida doesn’t like film. Upik doesn’t like film)
(Ida doesn’t like film, and Upik doesn’t like either)
(Ida doesn’t like film, and neither does Upik)

C. Klausa-klausa yang berbeda Subyek dan verb

1. Iwan likes singing. Aries doesn’t like singing
(Iwan likes singing, but Aries doesn’t)
(Aries doesn’t like singing but Iwan does)

2. Harry can dance beautifully. Timbul can’t dance beautifully
(Harry can dance beautifully, but Timbul can’t)
(Timbul can’t dance beautifully, but Harry can)
(Timbul can’t dance as beautiful as Harry)

Demikianlah penjelasan Redused Clause dari British Course dalam Materi Grammar. Semoga dengan membaca tulisan saya ini jadi lebih paham dengan materi Redused Clause ini. Trimakasih sudah berkunjung di blog British Course ini..

Refference :
– Buku pegangan kursus Effective English Conversation Course (EECC)

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