Redemption of Fertilizer Must Use Farmers Card, Farmer Confuses

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KLATEN, – The policy of using farmer cards to redeem subsidized urea fertilizer has caused a headache for farmers in Klaten Regency. Sukirman, a farmer in Ngaran Jimus Village, Polanharjo District, said that currently farmers find it difficult to get fertilizer because they have to buy using a farming card.

“Previously, the cards were collected at the distributor to be recorded, then the farmers did not take care of them and now we are confused,” he said, Thursday (17/9). Currently, subsidized urea is only available in distributors and must use a card. The farmer card policy was not right because it was during the time to fertilize the plants. It would be better without using a card so that farmers are free to buy.

The card policy has made farmers bothered by leafhoppers. According to Fajar, farmers in Tempursari Village, Ngawen Subdistrict, the subsidized fertilizer at the farmer group level has been empty for a long time. Currently, fertilizer is only supplied by distributors, but only non-subsidized urea is already expensive.

” The price of non-subsidized urea is high because it depends on the shop. The subsidized price is only Rp 95,000, non-subsidized Rp. 160,000 – Rp 240,000 per bag, ” he explained. Fajar has not used a farming card from the start because at the beginning it was still easy and he didn’t have to use a farming card. However, currently the card policy is being implemented again even though some farmer cards have been blocked.

He tried to unblock it but he couldn’t. The only reason that can unblock farming cards is the central bank office. Farmers are getting more and more difficult because the selling price of rice has not increased either. The rice harvest price is only Rp 8,500 per kilogram.

Head of Food Crops and Horticulture, Agriculture and Fisheries Service, Klaten Regency Government, Erni Kusumawati, said the provisions for the use of farmer cards began on September 1. “Not only in Klaten. Basically, a letter from the director of fertilizers and pesticides dated August 19 and a decree on the power of fertilizer subsidy budget users for Banten, DKI, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java as of September 1, redemption must use a tanii card,” said Erni.

In addition, the quota has indeed been absorbed so much that the stock runs out. The quota for urea in the basic plan for group needs (RDKK) is 27,821 tons, but 22,300 tons are approved. Until August, on average, almost 90 percent of absorption has been achieved. The agency has proposed an additional quota through the province and asked suppliers to provide non-subsidized ones.

Chairman of the Mainstay Farmers and Fishermen Contact (KTNA) Klaten Regency, Wening Swasono said that the problem of rare fertilizers during the rainy season is considered a classic. As far as he knows, the farmer card will only be enforced next year and this year it will be revamped.


KLATEN, – Kebijakan penggunaan kartu tani untuk menebus pupuk urea bersubsidi membuat pusing petani di Kabupaten Klaten. Sukirman, petani di Desa Ngaran Jimus, Kecamatan Polanharjo mengatakan saat ini petani susah mendapatkan pupuk lantaran harus membeli menggunakan kartu tani.

”Dulu kartu dikumpulkan di penyalur untuk didata, lalu petani tidak mengurus dan sekarang kami bingung,” katanya, Kamis (17/9). Saat ini pupuk urea bersubsidi hanya ada di penyalur dan harus menggunakan kartu. Kebijakan kartu tani itu tidak tepat sebab saat masa memupuk tanaman. Akan lebih baik tanpa menggunakan kartu sehingga petani bebas membeli.

Kebijakan kartu itu membuat petani direpotkan serangan hama wereng. Menurut Fajar, petani di Desa Tempursari, Kecamatan Ngawen pupuk bersubsidi di tingkat kelompok tani sudah kosong sejak lama. Saat ini pupuk hanya di penyalur tetapi tinggal urea nonsubsidi harganya sudah mahal.

”Harga urea nonsubsidi tinggi sebab tergantung toko. Harga subsidi hanya Rp 95.000, nonsubsidi bisa Rp 160.000- Rp 240.000 per zak,” jelasnya. Fajar dari awal belum menggunakan kartu tani sebab di awal pupuk masih mudah dan tidak harus pakai kartu tani. Namun saat ini kebijakan kartu diterapkan lagi padahal sebagian kartu petani sudah diblokir.

Dia sudah berupaya membuka blokir tetapi tidak bisa. Alasan yang bisa membuka blokir kartu tani hanya kantor bank di pusat. Petani makin susah sebab harga jual beras juga tidak naik. Harga panen beras cuma Rp 8.500 per kilogram.

Kabid Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan Pemkab Klaten Erni Kusumawati mengatakan ketentuan penggunaan kartu tani mulai 1 September. ” Tidak hanya di Klaten. Dasarnya surat direktur pupuk dan pestisida tanggal 19 Agustus dan SK kuasa pengguna anggaran subsidi pupuk untuk wilayah Banten, DKI, Jabar, Jateng, DIY, Jatim per 1 September penebusan harus pakai kartu tanii,” jelas Erni.

Selain itu, kuota memang sudah banyak terserap sehingga stok habis. Kuota untuk urea di rencana dasar kebutuhan kelompok (RDKK) sebesar 27.821 ton tapi disetujui 22.300 ton. Sampai Agustus rata-rata sudah hampir 90 persen penyerapan. Dinas sudah mengusulkan tambahan kuota melalui provinsi dan minta penyalur menyediakan yang nonsubsidi.

Ketua Kontak Tani Nelayan Andalan (KTNA) Kabupaten Klaten, Wening Swasono mengatakan persoalan pupuk langka saat akan musim hujan dinilai klasik. Soal kartu tani sepengetahuanya baru tahun depan diberlakukan dan tahun ini baru pembenahan.


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