President Jokowi: Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic Requires Close Cooperation Between Countries

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that overcoming the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic requires close cooperation between countries in the world which is designed in a more accurate and more detailed manner.

“The most important thing so that we can handle this pandemic is cooperation, cooperation and cooperation,” said President Jokowi during his speech at the International Conference on Tackling The Covid-19 Pandemic, Health, Economic, Diplomacy and Social Perspective, virtually from Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (23/2/2021).

The Head of State said that global cooperation must be strengthened because the world cannot be completely free from the Covid-19 pandemic virus if there is only one country that is not free from it. “The spirit of cooperation needs to be emphasized because no one is safe until everyone is,” said the Head of State.

He believed that each country had made every effort to overcome this crisis. The existence of the Covid-19 vaccine has raised new hopes for all countries to get out of the pandemic. In this case, Indonesia continues to promote equal access to vaccines for all countries in the world.

“Indonesia is one of the co-chairs of the Covax AMC Engagement Group. It is Indonesia’s determination to secure access to vaccines for national needs, but always strives to contribute to other countries, to the world.

Therefore, I continue to bring the importance of equal access to vaccines to all countries at the United Nations level, “he said.

President Jokowi said vaccination was not the only effort to get out of the pandemic. Vaccination must continue to be accompanied by strict implementation of 3M’s health protocols (wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands) as well as 3T efforts (testing, tracing, and treatment).

In addition, President Jokowi said, the micro-scale approach strategy put forward by Indonesia can be the key to reducing the rate of Covid-19 transmission. “The Indonesian government is currently promoting a micro-scale management strategy by involving the lowest community social units, namely RT and RW. With the micro-scale handling pattern, I believe the curve of the rate of adding new cases will be suppressed and the community will also get the necessary assistance services, “he said.

He added that RT and RW were also involved in distributing social assistance to affected communities. On the other hand, he believes that 2021 is a year of mutual awakening.

“2021 is a momentum to rise, a year to answer various opportunities, a year to transform into a new force. The world must continue to strengthen cooperation to solve common problems and rise together, “he said.



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