Philippines Will Reopen Cinemas and Entertainment Centers

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Manila, – The Philippines plans to allow cinemas and entertainment venues to resume operations in order to reactivate the economy, a presidential spokesman said, Friday (12/2/2021).

The number of positive cases and deaths from Covid-19 in the Philippines is the second highest in Southeast Asia, but Presidential Spokesman, Harry Roque, said the government has increased the capacity of hospitals to control the outbreak.

“We do not have a problem related to the (hospital) utility rate. The fact is that at this time we have to reopen the economy because we need a lot of jobs,” Roque said during a press statement.

As a result of the pandemic, the Philippines’ economic growth slowed last year as the government imposed lockdowns and restrictions on activities that left companies out of business and unemployed millions of people.

The re-opening of the economic sector, including in the country’s capital, Manila, will be carried out by implementing strict health protocols, including limiting the capacity of visitors and workers, said Roque. The regulations will be further drafted by the relevant authorities and local governments.

Businesses and entertainment centers that are permitted to resume operations include schools, video games playing facilities, libraries, museums, parks, playgrounds and historical monuments.

Roque said the capacity of people in places of worship will also be increased starting February 15.

Manila, home to 12 million people and a source of 40 percent of the national income, is still the epicenter of the Covid-19 spread in the Philippines.

Authorities in Manila reported a total of 543,282 positive cases and 11,469 of them died.

The government plans to start a mass Covid-19 vaccination for health workers in Manila this month using a vaccine dose obtained from the global vaccine procurement scheme COVAX.

Local authorities plan to vaccinate 70 million people, two thirds of the Philippines’ 108 million population this year.



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