News Items Text : Definition, Purpose, Linguistic Structure and Examples

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


News Items Text : Definition, Purpose, Linguistic Structure – In this night, it’s better for us to study English, because in the night we will have a good concentration to learn. It is not good if on the occasion like this we just watch television or use our mobile phone to open facebook, twitter, or whatsup. Right? But it doesn’t mean that I prohibit you to watch television or use your mobile phone. If you can use them wisely those are also good for you.

English material that we will discuss now is news items text. Before I explain it, I want to ask you, Do you like watching news in television? Do you like reading newspaper? If you like doing all those things, it means that you are familiar with news item text, but what is news item text? Many students do not know what exactly it is. Although, this text is learned in senior high school, most of them still get difficulties when they are asked to write news item text.

Before you try to make a news item text, it is better if you know first ‘what is news item text?’. News item text is a text that relates to the news. There are two kinds of news item text, written and spoken. News that we read in newspaper is written text form. News that we hear in radio or television is spoken text form. This text also has generic structure. Those are newsworthy event, sources and background events.

Definition of News Item

News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

It means if there is an important event that should be known by many people, then this event deserves news. Well, the news text is called the news item text. However, if there are events that people do not deserve, then they are not definitely worth to be news.

Generic Structure of News Item

# Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.
# Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstance
# Resource of Information (Source) : it contains comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

Purpose of News Item

News Item Text is used to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
– To inform the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day
– To present information the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day

Language Feature of News Item

– Focusing on circumstances (using a simple language in writing the text)
– Using saying verbs: “….”, She said, informed, told, reported.
– Sometimes at the beginning of news, the scene is mentioned : Jakarta – … .. / Kuala Lumpur – …
– Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that until now still happen or still in the form of fact, then can use simple present tense.
– Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
– Using adverbs: time, place and manner.
– Uses of material processes to retell the event

Example of News Items Text

Example of News Items Text about Death of Didi Peter

Didi Petet Died

Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko, popularly known as Didi Petet, died at the age of 58 at his residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang, on Friday morning.

Didi’s niece Muthia Kautsar said that Didi, who starred in a number of comedy and drama films in the 1980s and 1990s, collapsed and lost consciousness when attending an expo in Milan, Italy, recently.

“He just arrived home on May 10 after attending the exhibition. In that city, he collapsed and lost consciousness and returned home in a wheelchair,” she said.

On Tuesday, Didi was taken to Bandung for treatment. Muthia said no diseases were detected but he died on Friday.

Didi’s body is laid out in his residence on Jl. Bambu Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang. It has yet to be decided when and where he will be buried.

Example of News Items Text about The Biggest Insect was Found

The Biggest Insect was Found

An explorer has found the biggest insect ever on record – so large it can scoff a carrot. The insect is called a Weta Bug and has a huge wing span of seven inches and weighs as much as three mice.

An entomologist Mark Moffett, 55, discovered the cricket-like creature up a tree on New Zealand’s Little Barrier Island. He spent two days searching for the creepy crawly which were thought to be extinct after Europeans brought rats to the island many years ago.

“This became all the more amazing when we realized that this was the largest insect recorded.” Mark said.

Funny News Item Example about Cows Crashed a Party

Cows Crashed a Party – Funny News Item Example

BOXFORD, Mass. – Six cows crashed a party in Massachusetts and stole the beer, police said.
The cows escaped from a nearby farm and headed straight to the graduation party. One of the attendees called 911. The homeowner told his daughter the revelry had gone too far. “She came inside and said, ‘Dad there’s a cow outside,’” Kevin Spencer said. “And I says, ‘That’s it. Party’s over.’”

Police said the cows were actually drinking the beer left on the picnic table. “They enjoyed it. They went right for the beer,” Lt James Riter said. “When one was done they’d knock another one over and take care of that beer.” Officers steered the cows back to their farm.

This example of news item text is taken from

Funny News Item Example about Indonesian News

Indonesian Maid Beheaded in Saudi Arabia

An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said.

The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country.

The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewellery. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom.

Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict interpretation of Syaria, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.

(Taken from:

Funny News Item Example about Saudi King’s Visit

Traffic to be Rerouted during Saudi King’s Visit

Jakarta (JP) – Jakarta commuters should be prepared for even worse traffic congestion in some areas of the city over the next three days.

Road users, particularly those traveling on arterial roads in Kuningan and Senayan, are advised to seek alternative routes as a result of the state visit of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to the capital from Wednesday to Friday as part of his month-long tour of Asian countries.

Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday that the 81-year-old king and his entourage will visit the State Palace in Bogor, West Java. “Routes to be used by the entourage will be sterilized when they pass,” Argo said.

Separately, toll road operator PT Jasa Marga said that it would close access to the Jagorawi toll road from Bogor on Wednesday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. to clear the road.

“Motorists who are going to Bogor are suggested to use alternative toll gates such as Sentul Selatan and Ciawi,” the company said in a statement. (The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, March 1, 2017 | 10:05 am).


Lalu Lintas yang akan Dialihkan selama Kunjungan Raja Saudi

Jakarta (JP) – komuter Jakarta harus bersiap untuk kemacetan lalu lintas yang lebih buruk di beberapa wilayah kota selama tiga hari ke depan.

Pengguna jalan, khususnya mereka yang bepergian di jalan-jalan arteri di Kuningan dan Senayan, disarankan untuk mencari rute alternatif sebagai akibat dari kunjungan kenegaraan Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ke ibukota dari Rabu sampai Jumat sebagai bagian dari tur satu bulannya ke negara-negara Asia.

Juru bicara Polda Metro Jaya Kombes. Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono mengatakan kepada The Jakarta Post pada hari Selasa bahwa raja berusia 81 tahun dan rombongan akan mengunjungi Istana Negara di Bogor, Jawa Barat. “Rute yang akan digunakan oleh rombongan akan disterilkan ketika mereka melewatinya,” kata Argo.

Secara terpisah, operator jalan tol PT Jasa Marga mengatakan bahwa hal itu akan menutup akses ke jalan tol Jagorawi dari Bogor, Rabu 12:30-13:30 untuk mensterilkan jalan.

“Pengemudi yang akan ke Bogor disarankan untuk menggunakan gerbang tol alternatif seperti gerbang Sentul Selatan dan Ciawi” kata perusahaan itu dalam sebuah pernyataan. (The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 1 Maret 2017 | 10:05)

Related Articles : Recount Text (Complete Explanation)

Okey, I that’s all my explanation about News Items Text. I hope it will be useful for us. Thanks for your visiting.

Reference :
Rudi Hartono, Genre of Texts, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University, 2005).
Mark Andersons and Kathy Andersons, Text Type in English 1-2, Australia: MacMillanEducation, 2003.

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1 Comment

  1. Big thanks to your Bimbel of English British Course,I got a lot of experiences of news items text here. It makes me easy to explain it to my students. Unfortunately, my students feel embarrased when they speak English differently from what commonly native speakers do. Whereas, the most important target is to produce good understanding on the message of communication, I think❤🙏

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