Minister of Education and Culture Encourages Digitalization of Schools in Papua

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim has been on a working visit to West Papua Province since Wednesday (10/02/2021). On that occasion, Nadiem encouraged the priority work programs of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) to transform education, including digitizing schools, revitalizing vocational education, strengthening teachers and education personnel, financing education, and promoting culture.

Nadiem emphasized that disadvantaged, outermost, and frontier (3T) areas will be priority areas for school digitization.

“Those who really need equal distribution, need internet access that is equal to the same as in cities. The government continues to strive for equalization, “said Nadiem when providing assistance with information and communication technology (TIK) tools at SMPN 14 Sorong Regency, Wednesday, as stated in a press release from the Ministry of Education and Culture received by Beritasatu, Thursday (11/02/2021).

“I am happy to hear that the ICT equipment being distributed is beneficial for teachers and students. I am happy to be asked for more. That means used, ”added Nadiem.

The Minister of Education and Culture realizes that the ICT assistance is still not in accordance with the number of students in the school because other schools also need the same equipment. However, he confirmed that he would continue to increase the amount of ICT assistance.

“Friends must realize that it is not a cheap tool and there are many other schools that also need it. But in the coming years we will continue to accelerate this ICT assistance, “said Nadiem.

Nadiem also discussed with a number of school members regarding the provision of ICT. “I asked if anyone used a laptop to write reports. I am very happy because one of the functions why the laptop is provided is to hone children’s skills in learning to write, “said the Minister of Education and Culture.

“Learning to write is the foundation of literacy competence. From there, children can argue through writing, ”he continued.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador of the West Papua Learning Center, Novita Sari, said that the arrival of the Minister of Education and Culture at SMPN 14 was a valuable experience for the land of Papua. Novita said the government’s support through the Ministry of Education and Culture was a valuable experience for Papua.

“There are many changes when children are given ICT assistance. The enthusiasm for learning began to increase. Initially bored because I only read, now I can browse and find various learning sources. Now they can absorb lessons easier, “said Novita.

Likewise, grade VII student of SMPN 14, Rofita, is pleased that the Minister of Education and Culture supports his goal of becoming the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

“Since the laptop was provided, I am happy to seek information. Not only to learn, but also to find inspiration to pursue goals, ”said Rofita to the minister of education and culture.

VIII grade student, Andriana, admitted that he could learn independently since there was ICT assistance.

“In the past, I had difficulty understanding English. After receiving ICT assistance, I was able to independently find out how to compose English sentences, even how to pronounce them. I just understood the meaning of ‘how are you?’ Yesterday, “said Andriana.

Kemdikbud provides ICT assistance to 29 schools in West Papua Province. SMPN 14 Sorong Regency is one of 250 receiving schools in Indonesia.


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