Invite Society to be Optimistic, Jokowi: Year 2021 is Economic Recovery

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes that this year 2021 is the period of Indonesia’s economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So he invited the Indonesian people to be optimistic and continue to work hard in order to get up as quickly as possible.

“We have undergone a year of the most difficult times due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have passed the most difficult period of our economic growth. And now 2021 is a period of recovery, a period of awakening that we must welcome with enthusiastic optimism and courageous hard work,” said Jokowi. , Thursday (25/2/2021).

Jokowi then quoted the opinion of a number of world financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF, which predicted that Indonesia’s economic growth this year could reach 4-5 percent. For him, real growth could be better if the energy of the nation’s children was united and all focused on dealing with the health crisis and boosting a quality economy.

“The key to economic recovery is the ability to cope with a pandemic. Handling 3M, 3T and micro-scale PPKM, we must continue. And at the same time, we are currently vaccinating massively. We must work hard to obtain vaccines that are being fought over by countries around the world the world, “explained Jokowi.

In addition to prioritizing workers who serve the community directly, the government is currently overseeing vaccinations in densely populated clusters to generate communal immunity.

The speed in handling the health crisis is also in line with the speed of handling the national economic recovery. For this reason, this year the government has prepared a budget of IDR 372 trillion to accelerate national economic recovery.

“Various stimuli have been provided from the demand side, from the supply side through the PKH social assistance program, salary subsidies, pre-employment cards, labor-intensive programs, productive assistance for MSMEs as well as relaxation and loan restructuring and tax relief and other conveniences,” Jokowi explained.

In order to encourage economic movement in the private sector, Jokowi explained that bank credit must continue to be disbursed. He admitted that he was happy to get the report that the minimum capital adequacy ratio was still at 23.78%. And the bank has provided adequate reserves in case there is a risky credit increase.

Jokowi admitted that he received a report on foreign exchange reserves at Bank Indonesia at the moment of USD 135 billion. That much money is enough to finance the needs of foreign debt repayments and imports for one year.

“The rupiah is quite stable, the capital market is still attractive with a total market capitalization of Rp. 6,970 trillion and the number of local investors has grown rapidly to 4 million retail investors,” he said.

Export growth is also higher than imports, so there is a trade balance surplus of USD 21.74 billion in 2020. The realization of foreign direct investment and domestic investment also exceeded the target of up to 101.1% worth IDR 826.3 trillion.

The investment is invested outside Java 50.5%, and in Java 49.5%. Jokowi said this meant that investment was shifted slightly outside Java. The economic recovery plans were also being prepared through structural reforms. The Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations have been completed, in order to provide convenience for job creation and economic growth.

“The contribution of economists, business actors and investors in formulating economic policies that best suit Indonesia’s conditions will be very meaningful, so that once the pandemic is over we can grow well,” said Jokowi.

“Let us prove that our economic growth in 2021 is higher than expected and open employment and welfare increases,” Jokowi concluded.



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