Integrated Waste Management Encourages Village Economic Sustainability

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the condition of national waste generation in 2020 has reached around 67.8 million tons.

This number will continue to increase in line with population growth and an increasingly complex and practical lifestyle. By 2050, the composition of plastic waste is expected to double to 35% of the total waste generation.

Therefore, the waste problem must be taken seriously. Community active participation in sorting and managing waste, especially household and environmental waste, plays an important role.

Since 2015, integrated community waste management has been an empowerment program for local communities around the Shell Indonesia Lubricant Factory in Marunda, Bekasi.

The activity entitled Bersemi Village (Clean, Healthy and Independent) is a waste management initiative with a circular economy approach that converts waste into products of economic value.

President Director and Country Chair of Shell Indonesia, Dian Andyasuri, said that the activity of sorting and processing household waste has become part of what Shell Indonesia has invested in people participating in the Bersemi Village program.

“Shell Indonesia’s collaboration with residents and other stakeholders in the Bersemi Village program has produced positive results for the progress of the village. This program is in line with the application of a circular economy, as well as the government’s focus on strengthening community participation in sorting, recycling and making waste as raw material. to support economic activity, ”said Dian in her statement to, Tuesday (23/2/2021).

According to Dian, the Bersemi Village program has had an economic, social and environmental impact that is felt directly by the community. Departing from the chronic waste handling problem in their environment, Shell Indonesia together with several residents took the initiative to process waste to become a source of additional income for the villagers.

“Through various coaching and training, slowly the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) behavior or reduce, reuse, and recycle waste slowly becomes a culture among residents of Segara Makmur, Pantai Makmur, and Samudera Jaya Villages who participate in this program. , “He added.

The Bersemi Village Program trains and fosters residents in managing organic waste into fertilizer, utilizing land for agriculture, making and selling snacks from processed food plants on their land, and utilizing plastic waste to start handicraft micro businesses and produce fuel oil.

“Apart from recycling the waste itself, the community also gets direct economic benefits by having a Garbage Bank in Segara Makmur village that invites residents to ‘save’ inorganic waste, such as plastic, metal, glass, paper,” he said.

Currently, added Dian, more than 10 micro enterprises have been born from the waste management program and more than 200 families who benefit socially, economically and environmentally.



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