Imlek, No Celebration Seen in Medan City

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Medan, – The atmosphere of Chinese New Year 2572 or 2021 in Medan City, North Sumatra Province, Friday (12/2/2021), until noon, a number of protocol roads looked deserted and unlike on usual days which were always crowded with various types of vehicles.

From Antara’s observations in Medan, a number of roads that were quiet were City Hall Street, Putri Hijau Street, Pemuda Street, Ahmad Yani Street, Sisingamangaraja Street, Imam Bonjol Street, Sudirman Street, and Diponegoro Street in Medan.

The lack of roads in the city of Medan, which has a population of approximately 2.3 million, is due to an appeal not to travel during the Chinese New Year holidays to suppress the spread of Covid-19. Even the residents of Medan do not even hold a Chinese New Year event.

Previously, the Head of North Sumatra Regional Police, Inspector General of Police, Martuani Sormin, appealed to people celebrating Chinese New Year this year to continue to apply health protocols.

“Keep adhering to health protocols so as not to cause new clusters of the spread of Covid-19,” he said during a visit to the Gunung Timur Temple Temple, Medan, Tuesday (9/2/2021).

The Police Chief said that the development of handling Covid-19 in North Sumatra had improved quite a bit. North Sumatra has experienced an increase in the ranking of confirmed cases at the national level, previously in the 9th position, and now in 22nd position. “The rate of recovery in North Sumatra is also starting to increase”, he said.

In addition, the government has also provided large budget funds for handling the Covid-19 pandemic. During the visit, symbolically the Kapolda gave 1,000 masks to the Chinese community.

“Happy celebrating Chinese New Year 2572 for people who celebrate and are always disciplined in health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said the two-star general.



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