Fable – Kumang and the Dragon

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “Kumang and the Dragon Story” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text – Kumang and the Dragon

Kumang and the Dragon Story
Folktale from Borneo

In Sarawak long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Kumang. She was very hard-working and use to fish from morning to night. One day, although it was nearly time to go home, she had still caught no fish. She tried once more. When she pulled up her net, she found there was a tiny snake in it. It looked so helpless that she decided to

take it home with her. She placed it in a jar in the kitchen. Every day she gave it something to eat. As the weeks passed, the tiny snake grew into a large snake. Finally it changed into a dragon. As it was no longer possible to keep it in the jar, Kumang allowed to live in the house.

“Why do you eat so much? Asked Kumang. The dragon did not answer but only breathed fire from its mouth. “I’ve sold everything to buy food for you.” This was true. Kumang had sold all the valuable old Chinese jars which she kept in the house, as well as jewelry, clothes, and furniture. She had nothing left to sell. She wondered how she would be able to buy the dragon any more food.

Suddenly the dragon spoke, Kumang sat up. She had never heard the dragon speak before… “How big is your heart?” she thought it was a strange question. “It is only the size of a small leaf,” she answered. The next day, the dragon asked her the same question and received the same reply.

“I’ sorry,” the dragon said. “I haven’t had anything to eat for several days. I cannot wait any longer, I am so hungry. I must eat your heart.”

Kumang almost fainted. She lived alone. She did not know what to do. “Well” she said, “if you want to eat my heart, I shall have to give it to you. But first, please look for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better like that.”

As soon the dragon had left the house, Kumang said to her dog, “When the dragon returns, tell him I have gone out for a walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.”

She ran into the neighbouring rubber estate owned by her friend Danjal. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find. She sat on the highest branch and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree.

Not long afterward, the dragon returned home with the bamboo. He had been running and was out of breath. He was angry when he heard what Kumang’s dog said. However, he soon followed Kumang’s footprints to the tall tree where she was hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery. He decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. “she can’t stay up there for ever,” he thought.

Just a bout that time, Danjal’s friend Juara visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a tree. “Please tell Danjal to set fire to the estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.”

Then he heard another sound, much deeper and very fierce, “don’t do anything of the sort. If Danjal sets fire to the trees, he’ll cause himself a lot of trouble and lose all his money.”

Juara was frightened. He had never heard voices like these before. One sounded like a fairy’s and the other like an evil spirit’s.

He ran to Danjal’s house. “What’s wrong?” asked Danjal. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.” Juara told him what had happened.

“If a fairy has asked me to burn down the old trees, I’m sure there must be a good reason. I always obey what fairies tell me.”

So they set fire to the trees. When they walked round the estate the next day, there were only burnt and blackened tree trunks to be seen. They became tired and sat down to rest on one of the tree trunks. Danjal took out his jungle knife to cut open a coconut he was carrying, as he wanted to drink the coconut juice inside. In doing so, he cut the trunk of the tree. He was surprised to see that some blood started to come out from the cut.

“What’s this?” he called out in fright. They soon found out that it was not a tree trunk at all but the dragon who had died in the fire!

Danjal then saw a strange-looking fruit shining on the top branch of s tree which was still standing. “How strange!” he cried. “A single fruit! I wonder why it was not burnt in the fire?
Juara tried to climb the tree. It was difficult as the tree trunk was covered in oil and very slippery.
At last, they got the fruit and took it home. “I’ve never seen a fruit like this before,” said Danjal. “It’s so soft and pink.”

He placed it on his bed while Juara and he had dinner. While they were eating their dinner, they heard someone singing a sweet song in the bedroom.
They crept in. there was a strange golden light coming from the fruit on the bed. “Close your eyes!” said a small timid voice. “And count to twenty.”

They did as they were told. When they opened their eyes again, the fruit had split into two. And Kumang was sitting on the bed smiling at them.
“Don’t be afraid!” she said. “Let me tell you what happened.”
After she had finished, Danbjal said to her, “You are really very lucky. It must have been a terrible nightmare for you. Anyway, now the wicked dargon is dead and won’t cause you any more trouble. But I don’t think you should live alone again. Why don’t you become my wife and live here with me?”

After a while, Kumang agreed to marry Danjal and they lived together happily even after.


Cerita Kumang dan Naga
Cerita rakyat dari Kalimantan

Dahulu kala di Sarawak, ada seorang gadis cantik bernama Kumang. Dia sangat pekerja keras dan biasa menangkap ikan dari pagi hingga malam. Suatu hari, meskipun sudah hampir waktunya pulang, dia masih belum menangkap ikan. Dia mencoba sekali lagi. Ketika dia menarik jaringnya, dia menemukan ada seekor ular kecil di dalamnya. Ular itu tampak begitu tak berdaya sehingga dia memutuskan untuk membawanya pulang. Dia menaruhnya di dalam toples di dapur. Setiap hari dia memberinya sesuatu untuk dimakan. Minggu demi minggu berlalu, ular kecil itu tumbuh menjadi ular besar. Akhirnya berubah menjadi seekor naga. Karena tidak mungkin lagi menyimpannya di dalam toples, Kumang mengizinkannya tinggal di rumah. “Mengapa kamu makan begitu banyak? Tanya Kumang. Naga itu tidak menjawab tetapi hanya menyemburkan api dari mulutnya. “Aku telah menjual segalanya untuk membeli makanan untukmu.” Itu benar. Kumang telah menjual semua toples Cina kuno yang berharga yang dia simpan di rumah, juga perhiasan, pakaian, dan perabotan. Dia tidak punya apa-apa lagi untuk dijual. Ia bertanya-tanya bagaimana ia bisa membeli makanan lagi untuk naga itu.

Tiba-tiba naga itu berbicara, Kumang pun duduk. Ia belum pernah mendengar naga itu berbicara sebelumnya… “Seberapa besar jantungmu?” ia pikir itu pertanyaan yang aneh. “Hanya seukuran daun kecil,” jawabnya. Keesokan harinya, naga itu menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama dan mendapat jawaban yang sama.

“Maaf,” kata naga itu. “Aku belum makan apa pun selama beberapa hari. Aku tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi, aku sangat lapar. Aku harus memakan jantungmu.”

Kumang hampir pingsan. Ia tinggal sendirian. Ia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. “Baiklah,” katanya, “jika kau ingin memakan jantungku, aku harus memberikannya padamu. Tapi pertama-tama, tolong cari sepotong bambu berongga. Lalu letakkan jantungku di dalamnya bersama dengan nasi dan masak di atas api. Rasanya akan jauh lebih enak seperti itu.”

Begitu naga itu meninggalkan rumah, Kumang berkata kepada anjingnya, “Ketika naga itu kembali, katakan padanya aku pergi jalan-jalan dan tidak akan kembali selama satu jam atau lebih.”

Ia berlari ke perkebunan karet tetangga yang dimiliki oleh temannya, Danjal. Ia segera memanjat pohon tertinggi yang dapat ditemukannya. Ia duduk di dahan tertinggi dan menuangkan sebotol minyak goreng ke batang pohon.

Tidak lama kemudian, naga itu kembali ke rumah dengan bambu. Ia telah berlari dan kehabisan napas. Ia marah ketika mendengar apa yang dikatakan anjing Kumang. Namun, ia segera mengikuti jejak kaki Kumang ke pohon tinggi tempat ia bersembunyi. Ia mencoba memanjat pohon tetapi terlalu licin. Ia memutuskan untuk menunggu di bawah pohon. “Ia tidak bisa tinggal di sana selamanya,” pikirnya.

Tepat pada saat itu, teman Danjal, Juara, mengunjungi perkebunan itu. Ia mendengar suara kecil memanggilnya dari atas pohon. “Tolong beri tahu Danjal untuk membakar perkebunan itu. Pohon-pohon itu sudah tua dan kering. Tahun depan dia bisa menanam beberapa pohon muda.”

Kemudian dia mendengar suara lain, jauh lebih dalam dan sangat ganas, “jangan lakukan hal semacam itu. Jika Danjal membakar pohon-pohon, dia akan membuat dirinya sendiri dalam masalah besar dan kehilangan semua uangnya.”

Juara ketakutan. Dia belum pernah mendengar suara-suara seperti ini sebelumnya. Yang satu terdengar seperti suara peri dan yang lainnya seperti suara roh jahat.

Dia berlari ke rumah Danjal. “Ada apa?” ​​tanya Danjal. “Kau tampak seperti baru saja melihat hantu.” Juara menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi.

“Jika seorang peri memintaku untuk membakar pohon-pohon tua, aku yakin pasti ada alasan yang bagus. Aku selalu menuruti apa yang dikatakan peri kepadaku.”

Jadi mereka membakar pohon-pohon itu. Ketika mereka berjalan-jalan di sekitar perkebunan keesokan harinya, yang terlihat hanyalah batang-batang pohon yang terbakar dan menghitam. Mereka menjadi lelah dan duduk untuk beristirahat di salah satu batang pohon. Danjal mengeluarkan pisau hutannya untuk membelah kelapa yang dibawanya, karena dia ingin minum air kelapa di dalamnya. Saat melakukannya, ia memotong batang pohon itu. Ia terkejut melihat darah mulai keluar dari potongan itu.

“Apa ini?” serunya ketakutan. Mereka segera mengetahui bahwa itu sama sekali bukan batang pohon, melainkan naga yang telah mati dalam api!

Danjal kemudian melihat buah yang tampak aneh bersinar di dahan atas pohon yang masih berdiri tegak. “Aneh sekali!” serunya. “Buah tunggal! Aku heran mengapa tidak terbakar dalam api?” Juara mencoba memanjat pohon itu. Sulit karena batang pohon itu tertutup minyak dan sangat licin.

Akhirnya, mereka mendapatkan buah itu dan membawanya pulang. “Aku belum pernah melihat buah seperti ini sebelumnya,” kata Danjal. “Buahnya sangat lembut dan berwarna merah muda.” Ia menaruhnya di tempat tidurnya sementara Juara dan dia makan malam. Saat mereka sedang makan malam, mereka mendengar seseorang menyanyikan lagu yang indah di kamar tidur.

Mereka menyelinap masuk. Ada cahaya keemasan aneh yang keluar dari buah di tempat tidur. “Tutup matamu!” kata suara kecil yang malu-malu. “Dan hitung sampai dua puluh.”

Mereka melakukan apa yang diperintahkan. Ketika mereka membuka mata lagi, buah itu telah terbelah menjadi dua. Dan Kumang sedang duduk di tempat tidur sambil tersenyum kepada mereka. “Jangan takut!” katanya. “Biar kuceritakan apa yang terjadi.” Setelah selesai, Danbjal berkata kepadanya, “Kau benar-benar sangat beruntung. Pasti itu mimpi buruk yang mengerikan bagimu. Bagaimanapun, sekarang dargon jahat itu sudah mati dan tidak akan membuatmu mendapat masalah lagi. Tapi menurutku kau tidak boleh hidup sendiri lagi. Mengapa kau tidak menjadi istriku dan tinggal di sini bersamaku?” Setelah beberapa saat, Kumang setuju untuk menikahi Danjal dan mereka hidup bersama dengan bahagia bahkan setelahnya.

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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