Fable – How the Mousedeer Tricked the Crocodiles

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Apakah sobat sedang mencari contoh narrative text? Bagi yang sedang mencari referensi dan contoh narrative text karena diberi tugas dari bapak atau ibu guru, anda datang pada blog yang tepat karena kali ini kami akan menyajikan contoh-contoh narrative text untuk kamu pelajari. Adek adek bisa gunakan contoh tersebut untuk memahami materi tersebut.

Tapi sebelum kakak berikan contohnya, kakak akan bahas dulu sekilas tentang narrative text. Pasti semuanya sudah sering mendengar tentang materi ini. Tapi supaya lebih jelas atau untuk mengingat kembali tentang materi ini mari kita pelajari lagi.

Apa itu narrative text?

Narrative Text merupakan sebuah jenis teks yang menceritakan suatu cerita khayal/ fiktif dengan tujuan menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. Karena narrative text ini cerita khayal maka belum tentu kebenarannya karena mungkin itu hanya imaginasi dari orang-orang yang membuatnya.

Bagaimana dengan generic structure dan ciri-cirinya?

Generic Structure of Narrative Text
# Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced. (berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
# Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
# Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
# Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story

Language Feature of Narrative Text
– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc.)
– Adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc.)
– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc.)
– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc.)
– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc.)
– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow White). The direct speech uses present tense.

Kakak kira sudah jelas ya tetang bagaimana itu narrative text. Jika masih kurang jelas adek adek bisa baca penjelasan materi narrative text berikut

Narrative Text
Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)

Oke, sekarang kita baca dan pelajari contoh narrative text berikut ini.

Contoh Narrative Text Fable – How the Mousedeer Tricked the Crocodile

How the Mousedeer Tricked the Crocodile

A mousedeer was walking along the bank of river. He could see several crocodiles lying in the mud a t the side of the river.

“Hey, friends!” he called out. “You are really very big and strong! You could easily conguer any country if you want to.”

“Of course, Mr. mousedeer,” answered the crocodiles. “Even men are afraid of us. Look how well are armed.” They showed the mousedeer their sharp claws and

teeth, and waved their tails slowly backwards and forwards. “With one blow we can knock a man down.

”Everything you say is true,” said the mousedeer, “but I would like to know how many of you there are. Can you please form a line across the river so that I can count you?”

The crocodiles did as they were told. They formed a line from one side of the river to the other.

The mousedeer jumped down lightly on the back of the nearest crocodile. “One, two, three,” he counted as he walked across the river on their backs.

When he reached the other side, he jumped quickly on to the bank. “Thank you very much gentlemen,” he called out. “I didn’t want to get my feet wet crossing the river.”

The crocodiles roared in anger.

“Don’t forget, mousedeer.” They shouted “we can live on land as well as in the water. On day we shall catch you and teach you a good lesson.”

“Ha, ha, ha!” laughed the mousedeer. He run away into the forest. But he did not go near the river again after that. Whenever he wanted to drink, he look for water elsewhere.

One day it was very hot. The mousedeer was very thirsty. He could not find water anywhere. He had to return to the river.

“O river,” he cried, “Are there any crocodiles there?” there was no reply. He repeated the question several times but received no answer. “Oh well,” he said “there must be crocodiles there otherwise the river would say something.”

“There are no crocodiles here,” came the answer from the crocodiles, who were grinding their teeth in anger.

“Thanks for letting me know that you’re there,” the mousedeer said. “I don’t think I want to go near the river today.”

The crocodiles rushed up the river bank towards the mousedeer but he ran swiftly into the jungle. “The mousedeer thinks he’s very clever,” said the crocodiles. “Let’s wait for him near those papaya trees over there. He always goes there to eat.”

They waited for several hours. Feeling very hot and uncomfortable under the sun.

Suddenly the mousedeer arrived. “O papaya tree, are there any crocodiles there?”

As there was no reply, he repeated the question several times. There was silence. “Ho, ho papaya tree! I’m sure there are crocodiles there. They must have told you to keep quiet.”

“No we didn’t,” shouted the crocodiles.

The mousedeer immediately ran away but the crocodiles were too slow to catch him.

Before long, the mousedeer felt thirsty and hungry. He went back to the river. While he was searching for food and drink, a crocodile seized him by the leg.

“Hey what are you doing?” asked mousedeer. “That’s not my leg. It’s a branch of a tree.”

The crocodile let go of his leg to take another bite.

The mousedeer leapt away as fast as he could. When he reached as safe distance, he stopped and called out. “My friends, I know you are still waiting for me in the river, if you want to kill me, why don’t we have a fair fight? I shall call all of my friends and you can call yours. In one week’s time. We’ll meet on the river bank and fight it out.”

The crocodiles agreed that it would be the best way to settle the matter once and for all.

Every night after that, while the crocodiles were asleep, the mousedeer made as many footprints as he could in the soft mud at the side of the river.

On the seventh day, a large army of crocodiles appeared. But they could find no sign of the mousedeer and his army. All they could see were hundreds of footprints in the mud.

“What a pity!” they exclaimed. “It’s our fault, we are too late. The mousedeer’s army could not wait for us.”

The mousedeer called out to them from the other side of the river. “Do you think I am so stupid? You can’t kill me so easily!”

Once again, the mousedeer had tricked the crocodiles, and they had to admit defeat.


Bagaimana Si Kancil Menipu Si Buaya

Seekor kancil sedang berjalan di sepanjang tepi sungai. Ia melihat beberapa buaya tergeletak di lumpur di sisi sungai.

“Hai, teman-teman!” serunya. “Kalian benar-benar besar dan kuat! Kalian bisa dengan mudah menaklukkan negara mana pun jika kalian mau.”

“Tentu saja, Tuan kancil,” jawab buaya-buaya itu. “Bahkan manusia pun takut pada kami. Lihat betapa hebatnya senjata mereka.” Mereka menunjukkan cakar dan gigi tajam mereka kepada kancil, dan melambaikan ekor mereka perlahan ke belakang dan ke depan. “Dengan satu pukulan, kita bisa menjatuhkan seorang pria.

“Semua yang kau katakan itu benar,” kata kancil, “tetapi aku ingin tahu berapa banyak dari kalian. Bisakah kalian berbaris di seberang sungai sehingga aku bisa menghitung kalian?”

Buaya-buaya itu melakukan apa yang diperintahkan. Mereka berbaris dari satu sisi sungai ke sisi lainnya.

Kancil itu melompat turun dengan ringan di punggung buaya terdekat. “Satu, dua, tiga,” hitungnya sambil berjalan menyeberangi sungai dengan punggung mereka.

Ketika ia sampai di seberang, ia melompat cepat ke tepi sungai. “Terima kasih banyak, Tuan-tuan,” serunya. “Saya tidak ingin kaki saya basah saat menyeberangi sungai.”

Buaya-buaya itu meraung marah.

“Jangan lupa, kancil.” Mereka berteriak, “Kami bisa hidup di darat maupun di air. Suatu hari kami akan menangkapmu dan memberimu pelajaran yang bagus.”

“Ha, ha, ha!” tawa kancil. Ia lari ke hutan. Namun, ia tidak mendekati sungai lagi setelah itu. Setiap kali ia ingin minum, ia mencari air di tempat lain.

Suatu hari, cuaca sangat panas. Kancil sangat haus. Ia tidak dapat menemukan air di mana pun. Ia harus kembali ke sungai.

“Wahai sungai,” teriaknya, “Apakah ada buaya di sana?” tidak ada jawaban. Ia mengulangi pertanyaan itu beberapa kali tetapi tidak mendapat jawaban. “Baiklah,” katanya, “pasti ada buaya di sana, kalau tidak sungai akan berkata sesuatu.”

“Tidak ada buaya di sini,” jawab buaya-buaya itu sambil menggertakkan gigi karena marah.

“Terima kasih telah memberitahuku bahwa kau ada di sana,” kata si kancil. “Kurasa aku tidak ingin mendekati sungai hari ini.”

Buaya-buaya itu berlari ke tepi sungai menuju si kancil, tetapi ia berlari cepat ke dalam hutan. “Si kancil itu pikir dia sangat pintar,” kata buaya-buaya itu. “Mari kita tunggu dia di dekat pohon pepaya di sana. Dia selalu pergi ke sana untuk makan.”

Mereka menunggu selama beberapa jam. Merasa sangat panas dan tidak nyaman di bawah terik matahari.

Tiba-tiba si kancil datang. “Hai pohon pepaya, apakah ada buaya di sana?”

Karena tidak ada jawaban, ia mengulangi pertanyaan itu beberapa kali. Suasana hening. “Ho, ho pohon pepaya! Aku yakin ada buaya di sana. Mereka pasti telah menyuruhmu untuk tetap diam.”

“Tidak, kami tidak menyuruhmu diam,” teriak buaya-buaya itu.

Si kancil segera lari tetapi buaya-buaya itu terlalu lambat untuk menangkapnya.

Tak lama kemudian, si kancil merasa haus dan lapar. Ia kembali ke sungai. Saat ia mencari makanan dan minuman, seekor buaya mencengkeram kakinya.

“Hei, apa yang kau lakukan?” tanya si kancil. “Itu bukan kakiku. Itu cabang pohon.”

Buaya itu melepaskan kakinya untuk menggigit lagi.

Si kancil melompat secepat yang ia bisa. Saat ia mencapai jarak yang aman, ia berhenti dan berteriak. “Teman-temanku, aku tahu kalian masih menungguku di sungai. Jika kalian ingin membunuhku, mengapa kita tidak bertarung secara adil? Aku akan memanggil semua temanku dan kalian bisa memanggil teman-teman kalian. Dalam waktu satu minggu. Kita akan bertemu di tepi sungai dan bertarung habis-habisan.”

Buaya-buaya itu sepakat bahwa itu adalah cara terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini untuk selamanya.

Setiap malam setelah itu, saat buaya-buaya itu tidur, si kancil membuat jejak kaki sebanyak mungkin di lumpur lunak di sisi sungai.

Pada hari ketujuh, sepasukan besar buaya muncul. Namun, mereka tidak dapat menemukan tanda-tanda si kancil dan pasukannya. Yang dapat mereka lihat hanyalah ratusan jejak kaki di lumpur.

“Sayang sekali!” seru mereka. “Ini salah kita, kita terlambat. Pasukan kancil tidak dapat menunggu kita.”

Si kancil memanggil mereka dari seberang sungai. “Apakah kalian pikir aku sebodoh itu? Kalian tidak dapat membunuhku dengan mudah!”

Sekali lagi, si kancil berhasil mengelabui buaya-buaya itu, dan mereka harus mengakui kekalahan.

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya.

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