Example of Descriptive Text about Person

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Hallo guys..
How are you today? I hope you are fine.. Oke, In this occasion, I will share examples of Descriptive Text. But, do you still remember about the definition of Descriptive Text? What is Descriptive Text? Yup.. Descriptive Text is a text that describe a person, place or things. Its social function is to describe a person, place or things in specific. How about the generic structure? The generic structure of descriptive text is Identification, and description.

If you write a description about one of your your friend that the name is blablabla. Then you write about his or her face, tall, age, skin, hair, etc, in detail. It means you make a Descriptive text. What you wrote is Descriptive Text. If you write about one of your cat, and you describe it features, It’s is the same.

I am sure you have understand about it. I will not explain in longer again. Now, Let’s discuss about the example of Descriptive Text. I hope you will more understand about this text after reading some example below. Oke, please read carefully and understand some example below..

1. Descriptive Text Tentang Orang – Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas is a very famous and popular American actor.

He is about sixty years old. He is a slim person and he is average height. He has got light brown eyes and short fair hair.

His wife is a very beautiful British actress who is named Catherine Zeta-Johns, she has got green eyes and long straight black hair.

They have got a daughter who is two years old. They all live in the United States Of America.

Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diambil dari onefd.edu.dz

Arti dari Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas adalah seorang aktor Amerika yang sangat terkenal dan populer.

Dia berumur sekitar enam puluh tahun. Badannya ramping dan tingginya juga rata-rata seperti kebanyakan orang. Matanya berwarna coklat muda dan rambutnya pendek berwarna pirang.

Istrinya adalah seorang aktris kebangsaan Inggris yang sangat cantik, yaitu Catherine Zeta Johns yang memiliki mata berwarna hijau dengan rambut hitam lurus dan panjang.

Mereka, Michael Douglas dan Catherine Zeta John, punya seorang putri yang berusia dua tahun. Mereka semua tinggal di Amerika Serikat.

2. Descriptive Text Tentang Orang – Best Friend

My Best Friend, Ernesto

My best friend is Ernesto and he is my classmate. We go to school together.

Ernesto comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a teacher.
He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is really hard working. He always does his homework. He is also well-dressed and well-behaved. All teachers have a high opinion of him.

Ernesto has a well-built body. He is gentle but fearless. He takes part in all sports, scout, trekking and mountaineering activities. He has a good heart. He is truthful, honest and obedient.

He also plays the guitar, and he makes his parents very proud of him. He has good marks and is usually top of his class in examinations. He inspires me to work harder. He keeps me away from bad company. I am happy to have such a friend.

Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diambil dari slideshare.net

Arti dari Contoh Descriptive Text tentang My Best Friend

Sahabatku Ernesto

Sahabat terbaik saya adalah Ernesto dan dia adalah teman sekelas. Kkami pergi ke sekolah bersama-sama.

Ernesto berasal dari keluarga berpendidikan. Ayahnya adalah seorang kepala sekolah dan ibunya juga seorang guru.

Dia itu orangnya tepat waktu, terdidik, dan memiliki sikap yang baik. Dia benar-benar pekerja keras. Dia selalu mengerjakan PRnya. Dia juga berpakaian rapi dan berperilsaya baik. Semua guru memiliki pendapat yang baik tentang dirinya.

Ernesto memiliki tubuh tegap. Dia lembut tapi tak kenal tsayat. Dia ikut dalam semua kegiatan olahraga, pramuka, jelajah dan kegiatan mendaki gunung. Dia memiliki hati yang baik. Dia itu oranggnya bisa dipercaya, jujur dan taat.

Dia bisa bermain gitar, dan membuat orang tuanya sangat bangga padanya. Dia mendapatkan nilai yang baik dan biasanya yang tertinggi saat ujian. Dia menginspirasi saya untuk bekerja lebih keras. Dia membuat saya menghindari orang-orang yang tidak baik. Saya senang punya teman seperti dia.

3. Descriptive Text Tentang Orang – My Name is Lizzie

My Name is Lizzie

Hi,my name is Lizzie and my surname is Brown. I’m ten years old and I’m American.

I live in 27 Lincoln Street in New York. It is a big city in the USA.

I’m tall and thin. I’ve got long brown hair, black eyes, a small nose and a big mouth.

I’ m wearing a yellow blouse, an orange skirt, pink socks and blue trainers. Today I’ve got two nice bunches with two yellow ribbons in my hair.

I’m good-temperate , polite and happy. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite drink is coke.

I like cats very much. I can play tennis, but I can’t play basketball.

Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diambil dari maestralidia.com

Arti dari Contoh Descriptive Text tentang My Name is Lizzie

Namaku Lizzie

Hai, nama saya adalah Lizzie dan panggilan saya adalah Brown. Saya berusia 10 tahun dan saya orang Amerika.

Saya tinggal di jalan Lincoln 27, New York. Ini adalah kota besar di Amerika Serikat.

Saya orangnya tinggi dan kurus. Rambut saya panjang dan berwarna cokelat, mata hitam, hidung kecil dan mulut besar.

Saat ini saya memakai blus kuning, rok oranye, kaus kaki merah muda dan celana biru. Hari ini saya punya dua tandan bagus dengan dua pita kuning di rambut.

Saya orangnya baik, biasa-biasa saja, sopan dan berbahagia. Makanan favorit saya adalah pizza dan minuman favorit saya adalah coke.

Saya sangat suka pada kucing. Saya bisa bermain tenis, tapi tidak bias bermain basket

4. Descriptive Text Tentang Orang – Vivian Talks about Her Friend, Claudia


Hi, I am Vivian. Today I want to tell about my best friend, Claudia.

Claudia is special. I like her spontaneous nature.

She is young, exuberant, and lively; she is slim and active.

She often wears colorful clothes. Do you see her picture? She wears a green shirt and her favorite jeans.

She has a creative mind: students love her passionate outlook on life.

Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diolah dari voanews.com

Arti dari Contoh Descriptive Text tenang Claudia


Hi, nama saya Vivian. Hari ini saya ingin bercerita tentang seorang teman , Claudia.

Claudia oranngnya istimewa. Saya suka gaya spontan nya yang alami.

Dia masih muda, bersemangat, dan penuh semangat hidup. Dia badanya ramping dan aktif.

Dia sering memakai pakaian warna-warni. Apakah Kalian melihat fotonya? Dia biasa memakai kaos warna hijau dan kemeja serta celana jins favoritnya!

Dia memiliki pikiran yang kreatif. Semua siswa suka padanya karena pandangan hidup yang penuh semangat.

5. Descriptive Text Tentang Orang – A Close Friend, Jacques

A Close Friend, Jacques

Jacques has been my close friend for two years. I first met him on a school exchange trip to Calais, France. I asked him the way to the library and we started talking. We’ve been friends ever since.

Jacques is quite good-looking. He’s tall and slim, with olive skin and curly dark hair. Like many French people, he has a great sense of style, so he always looks well-dressed even in casual clothes.

Jacques is very outgoing. He is always friendly and loves to have fun. He’s got a fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me laugh. However, he can be a bit immature at times. For example, when he doesn’t get what he wants, he acts childishly and stamps his feet.

Jacques is very keen on water sports. He likes sailing and he spends a lot of time on his boat. He enjoys scuba diving, too, and loves exploring life under sea.

All in all, I’m glad to have Jacques as my friend. It’s a pleasure to be with him and I really enjoy his company. I’m sure we’ll always be close friend.

Text descriptive bahasa Inggris ini diambil dari scribd.com

Arti Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Jacques

Teman Dekat, Jacques

Jacques sudah menjadi teman dekat saya selama dua tahun. Pertama kali bertemu dengannya ketika ada acara pertukaran pelajar antar sekolah ke Calais, Prancis. Ketika itu saya bertanya jalan menuju perpustakaan. Sejak saat itu kami mulai berteman baik.

Jacques orangnya cukup tampan. Badannya tinggi dan ramping, dengan kulit kuning langsat dan rambut hitam keriting. Seperti kebanyakan orang Perancis, ia memiliki sense style yang tinggi, jadi dia selalu terlihat rapi bahkan dalam pakaian keseharian.

Jacques sangat terbuka. Dia selalu ramah dan suka bersenang-senang. Dia punya selera humor yang tinggi dan selalu membuat saya tertawa. Namun, ia bisa kekanak-kanakan pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Misalnya, ketika ia tidak mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan, dia bertindak kekanak-kanakan dan menjejak-jejakkan kakinya.

Jacques sangat tertarik pada olahraga air. Dia suka berlayar dan menghabiskan banyak waktu di perahu. Dia menikmati scuba diving, dan juga suka eksplorasi kehidupan bawah laut.

Dalam hal semuanya, saya senang berteman dengan Jacques. Bersama dia selalu menyenangkan dan saya benar-benar menikmati keberadaanya. Saya yakin kita akan selalu menjadi teman dekat.

Baca juga Descriptive Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Oke. I think enough for now. I hope some example of Descriptive Text below can make us more understand about this kind of text. Thanks for your visiting. I hope you will visit this website again next time. See you next time..

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  1. Thank you a lot for these texts and explanation. I’ll use the text about Ernesto as a support in the test that my learners will take . I’ll mention your site and name.So grateful.

  2. Thank you so much. Would you mind if l shorten it to be at my learners’ level? They are middle school students who study English as a second foreign language.

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