Demak Regency Government Permits the People’s Market Event

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


DEMAK, – The Government of Demak Regency provides concessions for public entertainment entrepreneurs to hold a people’s market arena in their area on condition that they strictly implement health protocols.

Such as the CV Diana Entrepreneurship which takes place every night in the Pancasila field, Gajah District, Demak.

The simulation of the people’s entertainment vehicle was opened by the Regent of Demak, HM Natsir, and Forkopimda. The event will last for one week by implementing health protocols.

Besides all visitors are required to wear masks, managers are required to complete supporting facilities such as adequate hand washing stations, hand sanitizers and thermogunks to check the visitor’s body temperature before entering the location.

The Regent said that this leeway is expected to be able to revive the people’s economy. However, his party reminded managers to pay serious attention to health aspects.

“We will try this people’s market for the next week as well as to monitor the implementation of the health protocol. If it goes well according to the health protocol, it can be extended for another week,” he said.

However, if after being evaluated they find a lack of discipline in implementing health protocols, the district government will not grant permission to renew.

He said, in the middle of a pandemic like this, the government prioritizes the health aspect for the community. But that does not mean that the rules must be rigid, a business or business can still run so that the economy is alive.

“It’s just that you have to be disciplined in implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of the corona virus,” he said.

The presence of the people’s market seems to cure people’s longing for the entertainment arena. This has been proven since it was opened, dozens of residents with their families have come to enjoy various entertainment. Moreover, to enter the place, the manager does not withdraw an entrance ticket, but requires visitors to wear a mask.

The manager of the people’s entertainment, Muntohar said, there are 12 game rides that have been adapted to health protocols. Among other things, by reducing 50 percent of the carrying capacity, as the Ferris wheel is usually occupied by four people, now it is enough for two.

Likewise, the 50 local merchant stands were arranged in such a way as to make it comfortable for visitors.

Muntohar, who is also Chairman of the Central Java Indonesian Night Market Traders Association (P3MI), said he was happy with the Demak Regency Government’s policy of providing space for people’s entertainment businesses. This is because during the last 6 months, his business has stopped completely due to a ban from the government.

Kodim 0716 / Demak Commander Lt. Col. Arh M Ufiz appreciated the simulation, but his party hopes that each game booth will be provided with disinfectant spray as a preventive measure to reduce the potential spread of covid-19.


DEMAK, – Pemerintah Kabupaten Demak memberi kelonggaran bagi pengusaha hiburan rakyat menggelar arena pasar rakyat di daerahnya dengan syarat menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara ketat.

Seperti digelar CV Diana Entreprise yang berlangsung setiap malam hari di lapangan Pancasila Kecamatan Gajah, Demak.

Simulasi wahana hiburan rakyat tersebut dibuka Bupati Demak HM Natsir bersama Forkopimda. Acara akan berlangsung selama satu minggu dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan.

Selain seluruh pengunjung diwajibkan memakai masker, pengelola diharuskan melengkapi sarana penunjang seperti tempat cuci tangan dalam jumlah memadai, hand sanitizer serta termogun untuk mengecek suhu badan pengunjung sebelum masuk lokasi tersebut.

Bupati menuturkan, kelonggaran tersebut diharapkan dapat untuk membangkitkan perekonomian rakyat. Namun demikian pihaknya mengingatkan agar pengelola memperhatikan secara serius aspek kesehatan.

“Pasar rakyat ini kita uji coba selama satu minggu ke depan sekaligus untuk memantau pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan. Apabila bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai ketentuan protokol kesehatan maka bisa diperpanjang satu minggu lagi,” katanya.

Akan tetapi jika setelah dievaluasi menemukan kurang disiplin dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan, Pemkab tidak akan memberi izin perpanjangan.

Dia menuturkan, di tengah masa pademi seperti ini, pemerintah mengutamakan aspek kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Tetapi tidak berarti aturannya harus kaku, usaha atau bisnis tetap boleh berjalan agar perekonomian hidup.

“Hanya saja harus disiplin menjalankan protokol kesehatan agar tidak terjadi penyebaran virus korona,” tuturnya.

Kehadiran pasar rakyat seakan mengobati kerinduan masyarakat terhadap arena hiburan. Terbukti sejak dibuka, puluhan warga bersama keluarga datang untuk menikmati aneka hiburan. Apalagi untuk masuk tempat tersebut, pengelola tidak menarik tiket masuk, namun mewajibkan pengunjung memakai masker.

Pengelola hiburan rakyat, Muntohar mengatakan, terdapat 12 wahana permainan yang telah disesuaikan dengan protokol kesehatan. Di antaranya dengan mengurangi 50 persen kapasitas daya tampung, seperti wahana bianglala biasanya ditempati empat orang sekarang cukup dua.

Demikian pula 50 stan pedagang warga sekitar ditata sedemikian rupa sehingga nyaman bagi pengunjung.

Muntohar yang juga Ketua DPD Persatuan Pedagang Pasar Malam Indonesia (P3MI) Jateng tersebut mengaku senang atas kebijakan Pemkab Demak yang memberi ruang bagi usaha hiburan rakyat. Pasalnya selama 6 bulan terakhir, usahanya berhenti total karena adanya larangan dari pemerintah.

Komandan Kodim 0716/Demak Letkol Arh M Ufiz mengapresiasi atas simulasi tersebut, namun pihaknya berharap agar setiap stan permainan disediakan semprotan desinfektan sebagai langkah preventif agar menekan potensi penyebaran covid-19.


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