Contoh Narrative Text “Queen Aji Badara Putih” Beserta Terjemahannya

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “Queen Aji Badara Putih” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text : Ratu Aji Badara Putih

Queen Aji Badara Putih

ONCE upon a time in East Kalimantan, there was a kingdom in Muara Kaman.

The kingdom was led by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a very beautiful queen. She was also wise, kind, and loving to her people.

The queen was single. Many kings and princes from other kingdoms have tried to propose her. However, she was still not interested in getting married.

She only wanted to take care of her people. Though the queen has rejected proposal from many rich men, the proposals kept on coming to her. Many kings and princes did not give up. One of them was a prince from China.

The Chinese prince came with a big ship. He brought his soldiers and also a lot of jewelleries. The prince wanted to give the jewelleries as wedding proposals.When the ship arrived at Muara Kaman, the Chinese prince asked a messenger to meet the queen. The messenger then told the queen about the wedding proposal. Before I accept the proposal, please tell me about your prince, asked the queen.

“He is a very rich man and also very handsome, Your Majesty”.

Alright then, tell your prince I need time to think, said the queen. The queen thought it was time for her to get married. She felt she was old enough. That was why she did not reject the proposal immediately. However, she did not want to choose the wrong husband. She asked one soldier to secretly go to the ship. The queen asked the soldier to describe her how the Chinese prince looked like. The soldier was finally able to enter the ship. He was peeping from a hole.

He saw the prince was eating. The soldier could not see the prince clearly. The hole was too small. But he could hear how the prince ate. The prince was eating using chopsticks.

He made strange sounds when he was eating. The soldier was so scared. He never heard that sound before. He thought the prince was not a real human. He thought the the prince was a ghost! When he arrived back at the palace, the soldier immediately reported to the queen. He told the queen about the strange sound. Maybe he is not a human, Your Majesty.

Maybe he is a ghost! said the soldier.

At first, the queen did not believe him. But the soldier was very sure with what he heard. The queen then decided to refuse the wedding proposal. And that made the Chinese prince got very angry. He asked his soldiers to attack Muara Kaman kingdom. The Chinese soldiers were able to beat the Muara Kaman’s soldiers. Queen Aji Bidara Putih was cornered in the palace. She then prayed to God.

Suddenly, she heard a voice. The voice asked her to chew betel then threw the betel to the Chinese soldiers. Amazingly, the betel changed into giant centipedes and attacked them.

The Chinese soldiers died and from the ground appeared a lake. People of Muara Kaman then named it as Danau Lipan or Centipede Lake. And sometimes people could find pieces of antique Chinese porcelain in that lake.***

Terjemahan Contoh Narrative Text

Ratu Aji Badara Putih

Suatu saat di Kalimantan Timur, ada sebuah kerajaan di Muara Kaman.

Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh Ratu Aji Bidara Putih. Dia adalah ratu yang sangat cantik. Dia juga bijak, baik hati, dan mencintai orang-orangnya.

Ratu itu lajang. Banyak raja dan pangeran dari kerajaan lain telah mencoba untuk melamarnya. Namun, dia masih belum tertarik untuk menikah.

Dia hanya ingin merawat bangsanya. Meskipun ratu menolak lamaran dari banyak orang kaya, lamaran tersebut terus berlanjut kepadanya. Banyak raja dan pangeran tidak menyerah. Salah satunya adalah seorang pangeran dari China.

Pangeran Cina datang dengan sebuah kapal besar. Dia membawa tentaranya dan juga banyak perhiasan. Sang pangeran ingin memberikan perhiasan sebagai lamaran pernikahan. Ketika kapal tiba di Muara Kaman, pangeran Cina itu meminta seorang utusan untuk menemui sang ratu. Si pembawa pesan kemudian memberi tahu ratu tentang lamaran pernikahan. Sebelum saya menerima lamaran tersebut, tolong beritahu saya tentang pangeran Anda, tanyakan pada ratu.

“Dia adalah orang yang sangat kaya dan juga sangat tampan, Yang Mulia.”

Baiklah kalau begitu, beritahu pangeran Anda bahwa saya perlu waktu untuk berpikir, kata ratu. Ratu itu sudah tiba waktunya untuk menikah. Dia merasa sudah cukup umur. Karena itulah dia tidak langsung menolak usul tersebut. Namun, dia tidak mau memilih suami yang salah. Dia meminta satu tentara untuk diam-diam pergi ke kapal. Ratu meminta tentara tersebut untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pangeran Tionghoa itu terlihat. Tentara tersebut akhirnya bisa memasuki kapal. Dia mengintip dari sebuah lubang.

Dia melihat pangeran sedang makan. Prajurit itu tidak bisa melihat pangeran dengan jelas. Lubang itu terlalu kecil. Tapi dia bisa mendengar bagaimana pangeran makan. Pangeran sedang makan dengan menggunakan sumpit.

Dia membuat suara aneh saat sedang makan. Prajurit itu sangat ketakutan. Dia tidak pernah mendengar suara itu sebelumnya. Dia pikir pangeran itu bukan manusia sejati. Dia mengira pangeran itu adalah hantu! Ketika dia kembali ke istana, prajurit tersebut segera melapor kepada ratu. Dia mengatakan kepada ratu tentang suara aneh itu. Mungkin dia bukan manusia biasa, Yang Mulia.

“Mungkin dia hantu!” kata tentara itu.

Awalnya, sang ratu tidak mempercayainya. Tapi prajurit itu sangat yakin dengan apa yang didengarnya. Ratu kemudian memutuskan untuk menolak lamaran pernikahan itu. Dan itu membuat pangeran China sangat marah. Dia meminta tentaranya untuk menyerang kerajaan Muara Kaman. Tentara China berhasil mengalahkan tentara Muara Kaman. Ratu Aji Bidara Putih terpojok di istana. Dia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan.

Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar sebuah suara. Suara itu memintanya untuk mengunyah sirih lalu melemparkan sirihnya ke tentara China. Hebatnya lagi, sirih berubah menjadi lipan raksasa dan menyerang mereka.

Tentara China meninggal dan dari tanah muncul sebuah danau. Orang-orang Muara Kaman kemudian menamainya sebagai Danau Lipan. Dan terkadang orang bisa menemukan potongan-potongan porselen Cina antik di danau itu. ***

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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