Contoh Discriptive Text – Tabuhan Cave

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo guys..
How are you today? I hope you are fine.. Oke, In this occasion, I will share example of Descriptive Text. But, do you still remember about the definition of Descriptive Text? What is Descriptive Text? Yup.. Descriptive Text is a text that describe a person, place or things. Its social function is to describe a person, place or things in specific. How about the generic structure? The generic structure of descriptive text is Identification, and description.

If you write a description about one of your your friend that the name is blablabla. Then you write about his or her face, tall, age, skin, hair, etc, in detail. It means you make a Descriptive text. What you wrote is Descriptive Text. If you write about one of your cat, and you describe it features, It’s is the same.

I am sure you have understand about it. I will not explain in longger again. Now, Let’s discuss about the example of Descriptive Text. I hope you will more understand about this text after reading some example below. Oke, please read carefully and understand some example below..

Contoh Discriptive Text Singkat tentang Tabuhan Cave

Tabuhan Cave

If you go to Pacitan-East Java, I recommend you to visit Tabuhan Cave. Tabuhan Cave is located in a lime hill called Tapan, in Tabuhan, Wareng village, Pacitan-West Java. The route is easy. Along the road there is beautiful tropical scenery to enjoy rice fields, coconut plants and birds. In there, you will be offered extraordinary experiences from its uniqueness place, its beautiful scenery and its historical site.

Tabuhan Cave is a unique cave. In the cave, the visitors will be welcomed with gamelan music that is like embrace them to dace. The gamelan music is produced by the local gamelan musicians and the cave itself. Yup, it is why the cave is called Tabuhan Cave. What makes this unique is that they mix gamelan with the sounds of nature. The visitors dance, forgetting all problems. It is said that Tabuhan Cave is the only place where nature produces sounds like the music of gamelan.

Tabuhan Cave did not use to welcome visitors. Tabuhan Cave used to be a hiding place for robbers. It is also believed to be a sacred place by many people. The cave is dark, so people need lights, and a local guide will lead the way. Sometimes visitors bump their heads against the sharp rocks on the ceiling. There is a stream in the cave, in the east corner, which can only be seen outside. However, it can be heard from inside.

Inside the cave there is a plain big stone which is believed to be the prayer mat of Pangeran Diponegoro, one of the Indonesian heroes who fought against the Dutch. It is said that Pangeran Diponegoro used to seclude himself in the cave. Some people now use the place for meditation.


Gua Tabuhan

Jika kamu pergi ke Pacitan-Jawa Timur, saya merekomendasikan untuk mengunjungi Gua Tabuhan. Gua Tabuhan terletak di sebuah bukit kapur yang disebut Tapan, di Tabuhan, Desa Wareng, Pacitan-Jawa Timur. Rute yang ditempuh terhitung mudah. Sepanjang jalan ada pemandangan tropis yang indah untuk dinikmati seperti persawahan, pepohonan kelapa dan burung-burung. Di sana, kamu akan disuguhkan pengalaman yang luar biasa dari tempat uniknya, kecantikan pemandangannya, dan situs bersejarahnya.

Gua Tabuhan adalah gua yang unik. Di dalam gua tersebut, pengunjung akan disambut dengan musik gamelan yang seakan memeluknya untuk menari. Musik gamelan tersebut di hasilkan oleh musisi gamelan lokal dan gua itu sendiri. Yup, itulah mengapa gua tersebut dinamakan Gua Tabuhan. Apa yang membuat ini unik adalah bahwa mereka mencampur gamelan dengan suara alam. Para pengunjung menari, melupakan semua masalah. Dikatakan bahwa Gua Tabuhan merupakan satu-satunya tempat di mana alam menghasilkan suara seperti musik gamelan.

Gua Tabuhan dulunya tidak di buka untuk pengunjung. Gua Tabuhan dulunya digunakan untuk menjadi tempat persembunyian perampok. Dipercayai juga bawah tempat tersebut merupakan tempat yang angker bagi banyak orang. Gua tersebut gelap, sehingga orang perlu lampu, dan pemandu lokal akan memimpin jalan. Kadang-kadang pengunjung tidak sengaja membentur kepala mereka terhadap batu-batu tajam di langit-langit gua. Ada aliran sungai dalam gua, di sudut timur, yang hanya dapat dilihat di luar. Namun, aliran sungai tersebut dapat terdengar dari dalam.

Di dalam gua ada sebuah batu besar polos yang diyakini sebagai tempat beribadah Pangeran Diponegoro, salah satu pahlawan Indonesia yang berjuang melawan Belanda. Dikatakan bahwa Pangeran Diponegoro dulunya mengasingkan diri di dalam gua. Beberapa orang sekarang menggunakan tempat untuk meditasi.

Baca juga Descriptive Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Oke. I think that’s all. I hope some example of Descriptive Text below can make us more understand about this kind of text. Thanks for your visiting. I hope you will visit this website again next time. See you next time..^^English is Fun^^

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