Central Java Covid-19 Needs Special Handling, This Is Wiku’s Reason

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JAKARTA, – According to President Joko Widodo’s direction, nine provinces in Indonesia require special handling to reduce the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. The nine provinces are DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Papua and Bali.

Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Prof. Wiku Adisasmito said the President ordered a number of ministers and the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to be directly involved in dealing specifically with 9 provinces. The selection of the provinces takes into account a number of five factors, the number of active cases, the incidence rate or rate of addition of cases, the percentage of deaths, the mortality rate and the characteristics of the region.

The nine provinces, first, North Sumatra, tended to have an increase in the risk status of districts / cities in the past week. The details are in 27 of 33 districts / cities with orange zone. “Only one district / city was not affected, namely Nias, while the 50 percent contributor to the number of cases was concentrated in one area, namely the city of Medan,” he explained.

Second, DKI Jakarta is ranked the second nationally with the highest case increase. It is the first national ranking for the highest number of cases and there is no city with a yellow or green zone in DKI Jakarta. “This is a national concern so that its performance can be improved,” he said.

Third, West Java as a buffer area for the capital city of DKI Jakarta, namely Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Bogor City, Bogor Regency and Depok, was the highest case contributor with 70 percent. West Java has no district / city with a green zone. And the increase in positive cases by 9.3 percent over the past week.

Fourth, Central Java there are additional positive cases for four consecutive weeks. As of September 13, 2020, there was a 52 percent weekly increase in cases. As much as 53 percent of positive cases came from the city of Semarang. The death rate is 6.45 percent higher than the national average. “There are 30 out of 35 districts / cities in Central Java that are in the orange zone,” he said.

Fifth, East Java, with a mortality rate of 7.25 percent higher than the national average. The largest contributor to cases was the city of Surabaya with 35 percent. In 28 out of 38 districts / cities, they are in the orange zone and it is ranked the 4th highest mortality rate in Indonesia (0.539). “If we improve the conditions in the city of Surabaya, it will contribute greatly to the performance of East Java,” he continued.

Sixth, Bali has experienced a significant weekly increase in positive cases for 4 consecutive weeks. It is the 4th province with the highest case incidence (171.39 per 100,000 population). In addition, Bali is one of the provinces with the highest death rate over the past week, namely 72 percent. Of the 9 districts / cities, 6 of them are red zones and 3 are orange zones.

Seventh, South Kalimantan experienced an increase in positive cases by 10.3 percent. The increase in cases was high in Banjarmasin City, Kotabaru Regency and Tapin Regency. The proportion of the mortality rate is 4.16 percent. There is an improvement in the red zone reduced to 3 districts / cities and orange zone to 10 districts / cities.

Eighth, South Sulawesi’s cases increased in the previous 4 weeks, the last week it decreased by 18.7 percent. Districts / cities experiencing significant cases include East Luwu Regency, Bone Regency, and Selayar Islands. The proportion of deaths was 2.85 percent and Makassar City contributed 55.55 percent of deaths in South Sulawesi in the last week.

Ninth, Papua has experienced a significant increase in cases in the last 5 weeks, amounting to 43.2 percent from the previous week. The cure rate decreased slightly from 79.70 percent to 76 percent. Green zone 13 districts / cities (44.83 percent), moderate risk zones reduced to 8 districts / cities (27.59 percent) and low risk zones increased to 8 districts / cities (27.59 percent).


JAKARTA, – Sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, sembilan provinsi di Indonesia memerlukan penanganan khusus untuk menekan penularan virus Covid-19. Kesembilan provinsi itu adalah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sumatera Utara, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Selatan, Papua dan Bali.

Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof Wiku Adisasmito mengatakan Presiden memerintahkan sejumlah menteri dan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) untuk terlibat langsung dalam menangani secara khusus pada 9 provinsi. Pemilihan provinsi-provinsi itu dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah lima faktor, jumlah kasus aktif, laju insidensi atau kecepatan penambahan kasus, persentase kematian, laju kematian dan karakteristik wilayah.

Kesembilan provinsi, pertama, Sumatera Utara, cenderung terjadi peningkatan status risiko kabupaten/kota dalam seminggu terakhir. Rinciannya pada 27 dari 33 kabupaten/kota berzona oranye. “Hanya satu kabupaten/kota tidak terdampak, yaitu Nias, sedangkan penyumbang 50 persen jumlah kasus terpusat pada satu daerah yaitu kota Medan,” jelasnya.

Kedua, DKI Jakarta menjadi peringkat kedua nasional kenaikan kasus tertinggi. Merupakan peringkat pertama nasional jumlah kasus tertinggi dan tidak ada kota berzona kuning maupun hijau di DKI Jakarta. “Ini menjadi perhatian nasional agar kinerjanya bisa diperbaiki,” ujarnya.

Ketiga, Jawa Barat sebagai daerah penyangga ibu kota DKI Jakarta, yakni Kota Bekasi, Kabupaten Bekasi, Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Bogor, dan Depok adalah penyumbang kasus tertinggi sebesar 70 persen. Jawa Barat tidak ada kabupaten/kota berzona hijau. Dan kenaikan kasus positif sebesar 9,3 persen selama seminggu terakhir ini.

Keempat, Jawa Tengah ada penambahan kasus positif selama empat minggu berturut-turut. Per 13 September 2020, mengalami kenaikan kasus mingguan sebesar 52 persen. Sebesar 53 persen kasus positif berasal dari Kota Semarang. Persentase kematian 6,45 persen lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional. “Ada 30 dari 35 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah berada dalam zona oranye,’’ katanya.

Kelima, Jawa Timur dengan persentase kematian 7,25 persen lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional. Penyumbang kasus terbanyak yakni Kota Surabaya sebesar 35 persen. Pada 28 dari 38 kabupaten/kota berada di zona oranye dan menduduki peringkat ke-4 laju kematian tertinggi di Indonesia (0,539). “Bila kita memperbaiki kondisi di Kota Surabaya akan berkontribusi besar di dalam kinerja Jawa Timur,” lanjutnya.

Keenam, Bali mengalami kenaikan kasus positif mingguan yang signifikan selama 4 minggu berturut-turut. Menduduki peringkat ke-4 Provinsi dengan insidensi kasus tertinggi (171,39 per 100.000 penduduk). Selain itu, Bali termasuk Provinsi dengan kenaikan kematian tertinggi selama 1 Minggu terakhir yakni 72 persen. Dari 9 kabupaten/kota, 6 di antaranya merupakan zona merah dan 3 zona oranye.

Ketujuh, Kalimantan Selatan mengalami kenaikan kasus positif sebesar 10,3 persen, peningkatan kasus ini tinggi terdapat di Kota Banjarmasin, Kabupaten Kotabaru dan Kabupaten Tapin. Proporsi angka kematian sebesar 4,16 persen. Ada perbaikan zona merah berkurang jadi 3 kabupaten/kota dan zona oranye 10 kabupaten/kota.

Kedelapan, Sulawesi Selatan kasusnya meningkat dalam 4 pekan sebelumnya, pekan terakhir mengalami penurunan 18,7 persen. Kabupaten/kota mengalami kasus signifikan di antaranya Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Kabupaten Bone, dan Kepulauan Selayar. Proporsi kematian 2,85 persen dan Kota Makassar menyumbangkan 55,55 persen kematian di Sulawesi Selatan dalam pekan terakhir.

Kesembilan, Papua mengalami kenaikan kasus signifikan dalam 5 pekan terakhir, sebesar 43,2 persen dari pekan sebelumnya. Angka kesembuhan sedikit penurunan dari 79,70 persen menjadi 76 persen. Zzona hijau 13 kabupaten/kota (44,83 persen), zona risiko sedang berkurang menjadi 8 kabupaten/kota (27,59 persen) dan zona risiko rendah bertambah menjadi 8 kabupaten/kota (27,59 persen).


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