Ahmadi Heri Purwono is Considered Appropriate to be Head of Kasal

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Jakarta, Britishcourse.com – The Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono is considered to have the opportunity to become TNI Commander to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. Deputy Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Ahmadi Heri Purwono, was deemed appropriate to serve as Chief of Staff.

Defense and Security Observer Robi Sugara said the Kasal chair should have been filled by Wakasal. Robi believes that Ahmadi Heri Purwono is capable enough to replace Yudo Margono.

“So when the chief of staff goes up or down, the deputy will go up,” said Robi, Friday (11/6/2021).

According to Robi, Ahmadi Heri Purwono once held a position at the Directorate General of Defense Planning at the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan). It is said that this will facilitate Ahmadi Heri Purwono’s steps when there is a connection between decision-making coordination with the Ministry of Defense.

Ahmadii Heri Purwono graduated from the 33rd Naval Academy (AAL) in 1988. During his time in the Navy (AL), Ahmadi Heri Purwono was a base commander in several parts of Indonesia.

For example, the Commander of the Balikpapan Navy Base and the Commander of the VIII Manado Navy Main Base. In addition, Ahmadi Heri Purwono has also served as chief of staff for the First Army Command, then served as Commander of the Kolinlamil, and Commander of Koarmada I until he became Deputy Chief of Staff.

On the other hand, Robi mentioned many reasons for Yudo Margono to occupy the seat of the next TNI Commander. First, the turn of each dimension in this period, the allocation from the Navy. Second, Yudo has enough integrity compared to other candidates.

“Although the decision of the TNI Commander is ultimately in the hands of the President, Yudo’s election as TNI Commander is the right decision,” said Robi, who is also a lecturer at the Strategic Studies of International Relations at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Source: BeritaSatu.com


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