19 Contoh Recount Text Sangat Sederhana

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo guys… Masih semangat belajar bahasa inggris kan…?
Kali ini saya akan share sebuah contoh Recount Text yang menurut saya sangat menarik untuk dibaca. Oh ya, sebelumnya sobat sudah paham kan dengan jenis text yang satu ini? Saya yakin sobat pasti sudah paham tentang yang dimaksud dengan Recount Text. Karena materi ini sudah dipelajari di tingkat SMP dan SMA. Tapi jika sobat masih ingin membaca penjelasan detail mengenai materi ini, sobat bisa baca penjelasan tentang Recount Text berikut ini :

Recount Text (Complete Explanation)
Recount Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Oke baiklah, disini saya juga akan memberikan gambaran singkat apa itu Recount Text. Recount Text yaitu sebuah text yang menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu (a text that tells past experience). Misalnya, Sobat jalan jalan ke kebun binatang pada liburan yang lalu, atau pergi ke pantai, dan disana ada kejadian kejadian, misalnya sobat melihat pantai yang indah, sobat bermain pasir di pinggir pantai, sobat berenang di pantai, dst. Nah, cerita mengenai pengalaman sobat itulah yang dimaksud dengan Recount Text. Tujuan dari Recount Text yaitu “to tells past experience”. Dan tentu saja demikian karena memang jenis text ini yaitu text yang menceritakan pengalaman masa lampau. Jelas kan sobat?

Tapi kali ini saya tidak akan membahas secara panjang lebar. Disini saya hanya ingin share contoh-contohnya saja, Karena semakin banyak kita membaca contoh-contoh Recount Text kita akan semakin memahaminya. Kita juga akan lebih mudah jika kita ingin menulis jenis text ini. Jika sobat dapat tugas untuk membuat text recount dari bapak/ibu guru, saya yakin sobat akan dapat nilai yang bagus..

Oke langsung saja berikut contoh 22 Recount Text sederhana yang mungkin bisa sobat jadikan referensi untuk membuat recount text. Oke. Selamat membaca..

1. Speech In Auditorium

First time I did my speech was three days ago. It was short but strong speech for me.

I was choosen for the students to speak in front of everyone in the podium when the Independence Day. I was very happy to do something like that. Prepared everything contained what would I going to say. When the Independence Day was coming, I was told to stand on the podium. I did my speech with full of worry, and in the middle of my speech, I was feeling strange, like there was no power. A few minutes later, I fainted. My speech was terribly ruined by myself because of my worry.

I was very disappointed to myself. It was the embarrassing experience ever for me.

2. Losing My Phone

Simaklah contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:

Two days ago I was in the bus station to pick my brother up for his arrival.

I was playing my phone all the time in that afternoon. I sat in the bench right near the ticket keeper. Then, I bought a bottle of water across the ticket keeper. I forgot to take my phone with me when I bought water. Then I saw my brother out of the bus. I ran to him and we were about to go. That time I thought I lost my phone. My brother told me to check it in the place before. I came back and the ticket keeper told me that he saved the phone for me. I thanked him and we said our good bye.

I was afraid that I would lose my phone. Lucky I still had it back.

3. Shopping With My Sister

I went to the market yesterday with my sister, my mom wasn’t at home yesterday so she told my sister and me to buy vegetable in the market.

My sister told me to write down any vegetable that I wanted to buy. I did it then gave it to her, we were ready to go ten minutes after that. My sister told me everything about things in the market. She told me which one is the fresh one of the vegetables, and why did the market was crowded, and also how to bargain with the seller.

I was so happy to be with my sister in the market. She told me everything until I understood how to buy something in the market.

4. Bad score

Simaklah contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini:

I got really bad score last exam. The exam that I did was math.

Mr. Puguh was the teacher of my math lesson in my school. He was very scary person. He told us to do the exam exactly at the time. I wasn’t ready at the time because I didn’t study the material the night before. I did my best then, even though I got an E.

That was my bad score ever. I was regret I didn’t study the night before

5. Rainy Day

Two weeks ago was the season of rain. I had a lot of laundries to do even it was rainy.

I forgot to put my laundry under the glass roof to protect it from the rain. I was in my school and there was no one in my home. Then the rain was falling down so hard. I came to my home right after the rain and the class was over. But unfortunately, all my laundry were wet.

I totally forgot about the weather two weeks ago. Then I let my laundry wet and I was regret about it.

6. Cooking Partner

Cooking was my hobby. When I cooked, good things happened to me.

I woke up in the morning and made a delicious breakfast with my mom. She asked me to go to the market and bought whatever I wanted to cook. We made a birthday cake when the one of the family members had a birthday. We shared every receipt and she often gave me advice.

My mom wasn’t only a mom, she was my best cooking partner.

7. Stomachache

I loved spicy foods so much. I ate them for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between them. When I didn’t taste a hint of chili in my food, I wouldn’t even bother finishing it. Until one week ago, I was almost hospitalized for putting too much chili in my meatballs.

I was eating a bowl of my favorite meatball and put way too many spoons of sambal into it. My stomach felt like it was on fire on the next day and I got diarrhea. I thought my stomachache would slowly leave me after I let my food out but it turned out that I had more painful stomachache after. I felt like stomach gave up on me and I almost did the same thing. My dad asked me to check my condition in the hospital but my mom told me to let my food out one more time. I chose to did what my mom suggested, hoping it would work because if it wouldn’t, I would have to follow my dad’s suggestion. It took time, but my stomachache felt more bearable than before. Finally, after almost an hour, I was completely stomachache-free.

My parents went strict on what I am eating after that day. They made me promise myself not to eat anymore crazy amount of spicy food. Not that I completely quit on eating them, but I have been reducing my consumption of them. I am still learning not to eat spicy food anytime I want. It’s hard, but for the sake of my health, I am doing it anyway.

8. Kissed by The Dolphin

I went to the dolphin show last weekend with my family.

I entered the gate with full of joy. I took a seat in the first line of the show. The instructor of the dolphin was calling some volunteer to come forward. I raised my hand and got called by him. He told the dolphin to kiss me on my cheek. The dolphin did as he told. I was kissed by the cute dolphin.

I was so happy the dolphin kissed me on the cheek. I went home with singing together with my family.

9. The Three Little Pig

My parents bought me three pigs last summer. They told me to take care of them.

They bought me the pigs in the animal market near the city. When I got them, they were very cute but noisy as always. I was them names. They were Abi, Abu, and Evi. When I came to their place, they were welcoming me with a full of joy every day.

I was so happy to have them in my daily life.

10. Ruined Night Camp

Berikut ini adalah contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris:

I got free camping trip yesterday. It was free because I got it from my sister. The place was far away from the city.

I was not in a good condition enough at that time. But I was very excited so hard to join the camping trip, so I forced myself to join. In the night when I slept in the tent, I got fever and flu really hard. I couldn’t sleep because I was sneezing so many times.

I regreted all my mistake to join the camp with bad condition. It was uncomfortable for me.

Itu adalah salah satu contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris.

11. The New Shirt

I had a new shirt with a pink colored. It was from my sister from LA.

My sister was coming home from her studying abroad. She bought me the shirt with a lovely color and picture. It was pink and there was a unicorn picture there. It was made with high-quality material that made the shirt was very comfortable for me to wear.

I was so happy to have the new shirt from my sister. I like it because it was beautiful and comfortable.

12. The Night Road

The night road actually was a usual road like everywhere place. But it was a little bit scary when the night came.

It was Tuesday night when I went home and passed the night road. I fastened my step to get away from that road. I was alone at that time. Not long after that, I heard some voices that made me scared very much. My steps became running with full of screaming to myself.

I was very scared to pass that road in the night again. I wouldn’t come alone next time.

14. Lunch with New Friends

I went to Jember last week to continue my study in collage. All of Jember were strange for me.

I went to Jember to see my dorm. I got new friends, they were Nisa and Afra. It was luch time when I arrived at the dormitory. They asked me if I wanted something to eat for our lunch. Then we were searching around what kind of foods we will eat. We found a small restaurant that sold home-cooking food. We ate there for our lunch.

I was very happy to have dinner with my new friends. It was our first happy memory.

15. Embarrassing Day Ever

Last Sunday, I had a running time with my best friend in the park. We did some sports together.

That day we were running in our third round when we saw the bicycle rent for people. And we decided to rent the bike and had another round. We were in the second round when I saw someone looked like my friend. I was calling her name while rode my bike towards her. She didn’t hear me called her name. So I came to approach her and hit her in shoulder softly. I was surprised when the girl that hit wasn’t my friend. Then I said sorry and went away from her.

It was the embarrassing day ever, because all of the people were looking at me at the same time.

17. Calling Mr. Howie

Mr. Howie was my teacher in senior high school that was very handsome. I met him a few days ago on the road.

I was walking alone when I saw him. I waved on him but he didn’t see me. Then I tried to call him loudly. Everybody were looking at me at once at the same time. I saw Mr. Howie noticed my existence. Then he waved me back and smiled at me.

I was very happy to see Mr. Howie again, even though there were so many eyes looking at me in that time.

18. Bitten by Cat

I found a lost cat yesterday in the park near my house. It was so little and in so much afraid.

It was sunny afternoon and comfortable to have some playing outside time. After that I went to the park and I saw a cat. Then I tried to give my hand to her, but she refused it with scratched me. But I didn’t give up. I put my hand again and again. Then she didn’t fight me back. When I put my finger on its mouth, it bit my finger so hard.

I was screaming and surprised knowing its bite me.

19. First-Day School

I was a new student in the school that placed in the central city. I was moved to the city because of my parents’ job.

I was ready to come to my new school in that morning. I arrived at the school at 7 o’clock. The students in my class were staring at me when I introduced myself. They looked scary, but when I finished my introduction, I got applause and they were smiling at me with a kindness smile.

I was very happy with my new things, home, school, and my friends.

19. Winning a Mathematics Competition

Last year was the best experience I’ve ever got. I won mathematic Competition.

Last year I had one of the proudest moments in my life. I was the first winner of a mathematic competition. I’ve been so passionate about Mathematic and that’s why, winning the competition meant so much to me.

Re – Orientation
My parents, who are really supportive of my passion told me not to stop working hard to achieve such big things.

20. Being Late for Class for the First Time

I am a quite discipline person. I would make sure I attend all of my classes on time but last week was different.

I was staying up late until 2 am which was very unusual for me. Then I set my alarm to 5 am so I can wake up early for my morning class. I didn’t hear anything that could’ve woken me, even I couldn’t hear my blasting alarm. But, I woke up at around 6:45 am which was a quarter to my morning class. Unfortunately, I forgot to put my homework into my bag that morning, the very homework I spent the night staying up late until 2 am.

From that day on, I promise myself not to do the same mistake by not staying up late again if the next day I’m having a morning class.

21. My Broken Bike

Berikut ini adalah contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris:

It was Sunday morning when I got a new bike from my uncle from the city.

I was playing with my friends near my house. Suddenly my uncle arrived and called my name to show the bike. I took the bike and ride it over around my house. I didn’t hear my uncle called my name from the distance. Not long after the third round, I suddenly felt strange with the bike. It was broken and I was falling down at the time. Oh no, my new bike was broken.

That was my bad day ever. I will not be using something new without any instruction first.

22. In Charge

My parents weren’t at home last week. I was told to take care of my little sister until they came back.

Everything was settled up by my mother the day before she left. I and my little sister were a great teamwork, so when we left alone we can handle everything at home. Fed the cats, set our table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even washed our laundry together and dry them in the backyard. My little sister and I were able to handle all of the home stuff.

I was very happy we could solve all the problem we had when our parents weren’t at home.

Oh ya,, ternyata contoh Recount Textnya kok malah ada 22 ya.. Oke. gpp ya, malah semakin banyak semakin bagus. Sobat bisa dapat referensi Recount Text lebih banyak.

Baca juga Recount Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Oke, semoga pembahasan tentang contoh Recount Text dan terjemahannya kali ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua khusunya dalam memahami dan membuat/menulis recount text. Sekian dan terima kasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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