10 Apartment Units for Employees Will Be Built

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BATANG, – A total of 10 units of flats (flats) for employee residences will be built, to support the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate (KIT) located in Ketanggan Village, Gringsing District, Batang. “To fulfill the housing for thousands of employees of KIT Batang, around the location will be built 10 flat towers. Each flat consists of 400 rooms, so a total of about 4,000 rooms are available for employees, ”said Regent Wihaji, Friday (18/9), during a media gathering at the Ojo Gebrek Canteen, PKK Batang Mobilization Team. Attending the event were Deputy Regent Suyono, Assistant III for Administration Affairs Migayani Thamrin, and Head of Protocol and Leadership Communication (Prokompim) Triossy Juniarto.

The Regent said, the land to be built for the flat is owned by the government, so there is no problem because its status is included in the ITR (Spatial Information) for settlements. “The apartment tower land is located in Gringsing District, the land belongs to the district government and is not far from the KIT. In addition, a mall was also built, so that later Gringsing will become a new city, “he said.

The construction of the flat is planned in 2021 in conjunction with the construction of the KIT, so it is hoped that the completion can be done at the same time when the industry starts operating the employees have already occupied the flat. “December, the construction of apartment towers has entered the LPSE auction stage, with budget funds from the Ministry of PUPR. January 2021 begins construction, “he explained.


BATANG, – Sebanyak 10 unit rumah susun (rusun) untuk tempat tinggal karyawan akan dibangun, guna mendukung Kawasan Industri Terpadu (KIT) Batang yang berada di Desa Ketanggan Kecamatan Gringsing, Batang. ”Untuk memenuhi tempat tinggal bagi ribuan karyawan KIT Batang, di sekitar lokasi akan dibangun 10 tower rusun. Setiap unit rusun terdiri dari 400 kamar, jadi total sekitar 4.000 kamar tersedia untuk karyawan,” kata Bupati Wihaji, Jumat (18/9), saat media gathering di Kantin Ojo Gebrek Tim Penggerak PKK Batang. Hadir pada acara itu Wakil Bupati Suyono, Asisten III Bidang Administrasi Migayani Thamrin, dan Kabag Protokol dan Komunikasi Pimpinan (Prokompim) Triossy Juniarto.

Bupati menuturkan, lahan yang akan dibangun rusun merupakan tanah milik pemerintah, sehingga tidak bermasalah karena statusnya masuk dalam ITR (Informasi Tata Ruang) pemukiman. ”Lahan tower rumah susun berlokasi di Kecamatan Gringsing, tanahnya milik pemkab dan tidak jauh dari KIT. Selain itu juga dibangun mall, sehingga nantinya Gringsing menjadi perkotaan baru,” ujarnya.

Pembangunan rusun direncankan pada 2021 bersamaan dengan pembangunan KIT, sehingga diharapkan selesainya bisa bersamaan saat industri mulai operasional karyawan sudah menempati rusun. ”Desember pembangunan tower rumah susun sudah masuk tahapan lelang LPSE, dengan dana anggaran dari Kementerian PUPR. Januari 2021 mulai pembangunan,” jelasnya.


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